
Dixon3.jpg2/9th Arty Berets169 viewsHere...have a closer look!

Dixon6.jpgMy Uniform169 viewsNote the 2/9th Arty unit crest on the epaulet.

SM2.jpgIncoming Chopper169 viewsAn incoming Chinook to LZ Thunder. Location provides a scenic view and good commanding military terrain.

More_Incoming.jpgLook! Over there!169 viewsTime to get a move on.

Tucker.jpgCommo Check169 viewsLooks like the guys are calling each other. The guy on the left is Tucker from Tupelo, MS. He knew Elvis. I'm on the right.

TS-67.JPGAir Taxi169 viewsAlmost everyone took a photo of the pilot jockeys that kept the Huey slicks airborne.

JCook11.jpgGI Cook169 viewsWe got some eggs somehow and so here I am, cooking them up. Note the "stateside uniform": fatigues with the white cloth nametags, the black & gold "US Army" tag, and the 25th Inf Div patch on the LEFT shoulder, which would eventually wind up on the RIGHT shoulder.

WS-42.JPGThe Office168 viewsThe Top Kick stands outside his office. He is Top Halderman - 1970.

MK286.jpgFSB Oasis168 viewsPoints of interest: The wire, the EM tents, the TOC.
We didn't have many visitors, except for the VC and NVA.

Turner_70.jpgClub Entertainment168 viewsA little celebration before getting on the plane.

Dixon12.jpgCamera cutups168 viewsWe had a great team of guys & we had fun too on occasion. Roman, was a real cut-up and was always doing something funny. Here he is making rabbit ears on Hunter (commo wire man from East St. Louis) and a sergeant– whose name I forget because he was from Baltimore and we always called him "B-More"! Tthis was taken near Duc Pho as we were preparing to go to the dreaded Bong Son area. Sgt. "B-More" (who insisted "don't call me sergeant!") was injured in a VC attack on a bunker and was shipped out afterward if I remember right. Roman went to another battery.

SO-93_pg2.jpgWeapons Qualification: M-14 Rifle, page 2168 viewsSecond page of weapons qualification roster.
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