The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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2008Reunion-19.jpgThe Team182 viewsCapt Charlie Murray, A-2-35 with his FO of forty years ago, Lt Dennis Dauphin.
2008Reunion-21.jpgThe Battalion Commander182 viewsLTC Sam Whitehurst, the current active-duty Battalion Commander of the 2/35th, was on hand to address the reunion group. He was presented with a commemorative knife by the Assn.
LtDMKeith.jpg182 viewsCouldn't carry a 105mm, so I had to use this M-16. I've already nailed the barrel behind me. So, what's next?
DFort2a.jpgAnd I do this because?182 viewsOh, yeah...because it is the best protection there is! Sp5 Danny Fort fills yet another sandbag.
Turner_129.jpgGoing home; it's all over182 viewsThe picture everyone wanted to see: "The Freedom Bird".
Dixon4.JPGMy Uniform182 viewsHere is my uniform with 2/9th shields on the epaulets and BOTH 25th division & 4th division patches due to the fact the 3rd Bde, 25th ID spent so much time in 4th Div territory (and 3rd of 4th spent so much time in the 25th area) they simply swapped during the time I was there {1Aug67}. The specialty braid in red is not exactly correct for me since I was a Signal Corps guy (which was orange) but I was told by my CO to wear the red braid in honor of our artillery unit rather than my training. They made me remove the orange braid.
Dixon53.jpgA Military Bus in Saigon182 viewsMost GIs never saw such a clear view of the city because unlike in the movies and stories I've read, we had to ride in military busses with thick screens/grates over the windows. The screens weren't for keeping out bugs... they were for keeping out bombs and grenades thrown by VC nuts! THIS was our usual view from the military busses.
TStuber-Denver3.JPGTerry Stuber - Denver Photos182 views"Soldier On A Mission" - "State Your Mission" - "To Honor A Fallen Brother".
The 35th Assn pays its respects to the men of the Cacti and The Mighty Ninth who did not return home.
WS-10.JPG4th Med Det181 viewsThe 4th Medical Detachment at LZ Oasis.
WS-11.JPG"Charlie Battery"181 viewsC/2/9 taking up residence at LZ Oasis.
Dixon59.jpgWell, you saw me!181 viewsDuring the melee, I tried to take photos but that was impossible. Somebody ran onstage and covered the redhead with a camouflage top and she was hustled offstage...and that was that! So, you get the camouflage shot!
Leach.jpgModern Day Max181 viewsAmerica has given me a good life; after Nam my career with Zales & having my own business was successful.
Married for 43 years to the same woman and producing 4 girls, all have degrees.
Today,I have 10 grandchildren.
My life has been a blessing!
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