
Monkey_Business.JPGEveryone drafted184 viewsEven the monkeys got into the act.

MK289.jpgAttack on The Oasis183 viewsLt. Friend’s (the engineer) Jeep. He and his RTO were in it, note the bullet holes. {See also MK-267}

Dixon24.jpgCpl Money183 viewsWe had a lot of guys in our HQ Battery at Duc Pho that had odd last names. The Colonel's aide (at one point) was named "Gee". The corporal (above) who oversaw the field mess under a sergeant was named "Money"... and one of the guys who often worked in the mess (next pic) was named "Lovelady". Here is Corporal Money (I think he was from Texas)...

Dixon25.jpgPFC Charles Lovelady183 views(Duc Pho) Here is Charles Lovelady of Detroit in his mess cap. This is the FRONT side of the mess tent where smoking was allowed! Cpl. Money wisely didn't allow smoking on the rear side since we had so many gas/kerosene cans stored back there to fuel the stoves! That little hexagonal tent on a kit base behind Lovelady (to the left) served as our barber shop and the fellow who ran it was named Craig Lash. You had to make appointments to get your hair cut and there was always someone in there. Lash was from San Francisco.

SM4.jpgProof!183 viewsHere I am...serving with "Bravo Battery", 2/9th Arty...The Mighty Ninth.

Buddies.jpgMy Nam Buddies183 viewsDan Ward, left, Harold Woody, center, and William (Bill) Ross, (deceased) Commo Section, right.

Okie443.JPGCompany Commander183 viewsCapt Dave Collins...a great troop leader for the 35th Inf Regt. Well respected by the Redlegs of the 2/9th. Photo taken near LZ Ross. His FO was Lt Bert Landau.

BertBeach.JPGOn The Beach183 viewsMy failing memory suggests that this was before we went into the mountains [and carnage] west of Tam Ky, so we were still relatively 'unbloodied' except for a few scrapes. Maybe October, 67? For a day or two, I think we were kind of pinned in with the sea at our back, on a white sand beach that was very easily defended. Choppers brought is food and mail and flew in from the sea instead of over land for the 2-3 days were were there. Even night was fairly safe since we had nearly a full moon, clear skies and anything that moved was pretty easily spotted in the white sand. Does any of that sound familiar?
(Bert watches intently as a "local" is giving information. Note his typically discarded helmet appears in the rear; could never get one that fit. )

JW_-_2011_Reunion.jpgModern Day John183 viewsSome 40+ years later, John meets up with Don Keith, center, who he served with in the field in the FO party and Dennis Munden, left, who he served in the A/2/9 FDC. An amazing opportunity to find fellow Mighty Ninth veterans after all those years. John also worked the Exec Post with Lt Dennis Dauphin (Webmaster) for A/2/9.

TamKy5.jpgThe Final Days182 viewsSetting up shop way up in the mountains.

MK7.jpgEngine Failure182 viewsBack to CRB - Engine failure. Is this an omen?

2008Reunion-27.jpg182 views35th Inf Regt Webmaster & photographer Dave Muxo drinking water (?) at the Hospitality Suite.
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