
MK87.jpg"VC" Mosquito185 viewsGot bit by one of those "VC" mosquitoes and didn't know it. Five days later, I was gone from B-2-35. Off to the hospital at Nha Trang...around 18Sept68.

2008Reunion-9a.jpg"Who Am I?"185 viewsPerhaps it should be "Who Was I?" as the 2/9th FOs hold up photos of the "Nam Days". L to R: Gary Dean Springer, Gene Schmidt, Don Keith, Bert Landau, Mike Kurtgis, Ed Thomas, and Dennis Dauphin.

Dixon2.jpgRemember we had berets?185 viewsHere are the berets. Note the 2/9th embroidery and the shield on the red one. The other also as "2/9 Arty" embroidered on it, but hard to see. We were told that we were authorized to wear the red only at special functions or on post. And the camouflage was for the field... but our sergeants never made much comment about them and we could not wear them in formations.

Dixon19.jpgUnique 2/9th Icon185 viewsAnother photo showing the 2/9th symbol again on the nose of a truck. These were only painted on our vehicles and appeared on the nose and the hood. Later in 1968, they seemed to stop doing this graphic. Someone high up in 4th Division resented what they viewed as a leftover icon from 25th, but as far as I know, the symbol was not 25th and was used by 2/9th.

Dixon46.jpgLZ English - Bong Son185 views(cont) Kapow-kapow-kapowww-kapowwww- rat-tat-tat-tat-tat! Gunfire breaks out from off in the distance and bullets are whizzing everywhere!

Dixon52.jpgTraffic Jam185 viewsThe local street toughs that the GI's referred to as "cowboys" used to give me a motorcycle to ride around on. HERE is what is looked like out on the streets in the embassy district near the U.S. Special Services compound in the late afternoons. Traffic jam, South Vietnamese style!

Sp-4_Woodhouse.jpgBest Defense185 viewsIn order to make sandbags, you gotta make mud first. Sp4 Woodhouse takes a pickaxe to break up the soil. Note the 2/9th insignia on his field cap.

JCook2.jpg"B" Battery Officers185 viewsCaptains Byron, Rice, and Osborne. Capt Osborne took over after Capt Rice's departure. {"Byron" should be Capt Max R. Barron, former XO of "B" Battery}

Wald-58.JPG"I'm ready to go home!"185 viewsLZ Uplift, 22Mar67. Back of photo states: "Glad not much time left---be home soon".....love, Johnny"

Calming_the_bees.jpgUnder the "B": Attack!!185 viewsAbout a million bees wanted to RSOP our battery position. We popped some smoke to try and calm them. Maj Tarr, the FAC pilot, thought we were under attack and was ready to call in some F-4s. A great guy.

Refrad3.JPGSpecial Orders No. 14, Pg 1, REFRAD185 viewsOrders relieving from Active Duty, 14Jan70 to the USAR.

DonKeith-FO.JPG184 viewsFun? Yeah, I love this job! Lt Don M Keith, FO. He spent 11 months in the field, probably longer than any other Forward Observer. And probably because they were worried about him in serving in the rear.
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