The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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DK_Skinny.jpegLose weight26 viewsOkay, out here in the Nam jungle, be prepared to lose weight.
Search_and_Destroy_Patrols.jpg24 viewsThe official name for US soldiers patrolling the jungle was "Search & Destroy" mission. When crossing an open field, Infantry Commanders knew they had to spread their men apart in the event of a firefight.
Lt_Jim_James.jpg24 viewsJim and wife Doniece on the Riverwalk at the 35th Inf Reunion held in San Antonio in 2011.

Regret to report that Jim died in July 2020.
Chinook_Resupply.jpgRe-Supply via CH-47, Chinook Utility chopper23 viewsThe vital part of successful military warfare is to keep your troops re-supplied at all times. This particular mission was very special: it brought our "hot chow" in those insulated (MERMITE) containers. A welcome change from cold C-rations.

The only problem was the enemy was also well-supplied via the Ho Chi Minh trail running thru Cambodia and Laos. That resupply line was never destroyed to the great detriment of our troops.
Thomas-Turner-Whaley.jpgA Rare Photo23 viewsLt Ed Thomas, Lt Doug Turner, Lt Dave Whaley.
You don't often find three (3) FOs available to pose for a picture.
Ward7.jpegMishima and Philpot23 viewsRonnie Mishima and Philpot...working on those sandbags!
Cpl_J_Shelton.JPGTravels with the General23 viewsL to R: MG Donn Pepke, Jim, and UNK 4th Div Sergeant Major.
35th_SA_0001.jpg2024 Registration Form23 viewsHere is the Registraton Form for the 2024 35th Inf Regt Annual Reunion to be held in San Antonio, TX in September.
You know the drill: Members of the 2/9th FA supporting the 35th in Vietnam are invited as GUESTS of the Association.

This Form can be enlarged and downloaded by double-clicking the image.
Capt_and_the_kids.jpg22 viewsCompany Commander shares goodies with the children of a typical Vietnamese village. Contrary to US news media reports, the children and their parents were glad to see American soldiers. But they knew the VC would move back in after we left. It was a never-ending cycle.
Five_Artillerymen.jpgFIREPOWER!22 viewsA very rare photo consisting of: Lt Bill Farmer (KIA), Lt Dave Whaley, Lt Doug Turner, Lt Ed Thomas, and Lt Chris Herrick.
Bishop___Kurtgis~1.JPG22 viewsMy RTO: George R. Bishop (L).
NC-5.jpgMeeting in the Lobby22 viewsFO for the 2/9th FA Ed Thomas meets with Platoon Ldr Dick Arnold for a reunion 56 years after the action in Vietnam.
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