The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Bootlegger_Pet~0.JPGA shot of "Bootlegger" awake and alert29 views
Bobby___Shirley.JPGBobby & Shirley Day28 viewsBobby & Shirley Day relaxing in the Lexington Lobby.

Photo courtesy of David Dunn.
ward10.jpegBad Hair Day28 viewsHe is Sternedel; looking for his comb.
ward12.jpegFire Mission!28 viewsOne gun adjust! Getting a mission just after touching down.
Puppy_at_Oasis.jpgYoung pup at LZ Oasis27 viewsHe adopted us; we didn't adopt him. Cute little fella stands on a 5-gal water can that providing water for drinking, shaving, etc.

LZ Oasis, 1968
ward5.jpegSolars27 viewsHis name is Solars. He is with the #3 gun crew.
ward9.JPGWoodhouse27 viewsHis name is Woodhouse; you can see the 2/9th FA crest on his cap.
Epps_1.jpgArmed & Ready for Battle27 views
Brothers-in-Arms.jpgBrothers-In-Arms27 viewsHome from LZ Cathy 9-69. The non-lifer traveling FDC band of brothers (left to right): Clint Curry, Eugene ("George") Jarisch, Denny Mrowzinski, Mike Medley, and our leader eltee "Rucksack" Rucker (Lt. Hermie "Rucksack" Rucker).
Cpl_Jim_Shelton.JPGArmy Commendation Medal27 viewsJim "Tex" Shelton gets a handshake and Army Commendation Medal after serving as his armed guard on field visits.
Soldiers_with_kids-1.JPGSoldiers and Kids26 viewsAn Infantryman of B-1-35 meets with Vietnamese children in a village. Our troops routinely gave kids candy and goodies from the C-Ration supplies.

According to the US news media, these men were labeled as "baby-killers". The news media got it wrong, as usual. It was the VC who entered the villages and killed the Village Chief to install their control.
Medics_and_kids.JPGUS providing medical care26 viewsIn addition to food and candy, US troops had Medics (91B) available to treat the people of the villages. Young boy (center) has no pants to wear.

The VC were acutely aware of the goodwill being established by the American troops directly aiding the villages. Too bad the US news media didn't bother to report it.
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