
Dunn_-_Day.JPGA-2-35 at Jacksonville34 viewsA unit get-together; long-time members of the 35th Inf Regt Assn.
Photo courtesy of David Dunn.

John_Cashin.JPGModern Day John34 viewsJohn returned home to New York and has been a loyal supporter of The Mighty Ninth!

Banquet.JPGBanquet Night33 viewsIt's Saturday night and time for the Annual Banquet and closing ceremonies. Another great time meeting our brothers once again.

3_Vets.JPGWe served our country!33 viewsL to R: Dennis Dauphin, FO and XO of the 2/9th, son Darryl, a retired 24-year Air Force veteran who served 5 tours in the middle east, and Don Keith, who served 11 months in the field as an FO for the 35th and later became an Air Observer (AO). Don returned for a 2nd tour with the 173d Airborne.
That's a lot of time in uniform, folks!

Seat_Diagram.JPGSecret Map33 viewsHere is the all-important seating chart (decoded) for the Saturday night banquet. Don't tell.

Chris_Dunn.JPGA-2-35 at Jacksonville33 viewsSparking, charming and ever-lively Chris Dunn, spouse of David Dunn.
Photo courtesy of David Dunn.

ward2.jpegNeed Ya right away!33 viewsWould you believe? We just landed here and this gun already has a fire mission to shoot!

Seating_Chart.JPGSeat Selection32 viewsDon Keith, center, seems to be asking, "You really know how to do this?" as Mike Kurtgis observes.

Lobby.JPGImpressive entrance32 viewsThe Lexington Hotel, totally renovated, has a very impressive front Lobby entrance. A recent storm knocked out some of the TVs and phones in the rooms and parts were on order, so the hotel management gave discounts on the affected rooms.

Entrance_2.JPGEntrance32 viewsTall palms and low shrubbery make for an attractive greeting for arriving guests.

Bert_Boy.jpgThe Innocents of War32 viewsI took this photo on the docks at Da Nang. The little boy is standing on artificial legs...and smiling.
This was on my 2nd tour in Vietnam.

Entrance.JPGYou have arrived31 viewsFront entrance to the Lexington Hotel as you drive up.
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