The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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TopKick.jpgThe Top187 viewsJust looking at this picture, you can tell this man is a respected leader of his crew.
Update: January, 2014. We now know he is 1SG Clifford J. Pullan. He passed away in January, 2015.
Dunn,_etal.jpgThe Hospitality Suite187 viewsDavid Dunn, Bobby Day, Hal Bowling & Art Johnson. Bobby seems to be telling David one version of a war story and Hal tells Art what REALLY happened.
2010-Pitts26.JPGHeading out187 viewsDennis & Jackie Dauphin prepare to depart the Radisson.
Rad-Pitts.jpgBeautiful Hotel on the hill187 viewsHotel sits atop a high, picturesque bluff and serves as the home of the 12th Annual 35th Infantry Regiment Reunion. Y'all come on in!
Casp1.jpgThe Final Days186 viewsCapt Mike Casp, Battery Commander, just after monsoon lifted.

It was extremely regrettable that Capt Casp, filling in for a LNO who was on R&R, was in a C&C chopper shot down while on a Recon Mission. He was a wonderful Battery Commander!
murray.jpgCapt Charles A. Murray186 viewsCompany Commander of A/2/35. West Point grad who later became a trial lawyer. Proud to have served with Charlie as his FO.
EdThomas.jpgModern-Day Ed186 viewsEd Thomas attends the 2007 Philly reunion with the 35th Infantry Regiment.
Dixon57.jpgGI Blues go away186 viewsThis show was hosted by a Hollywood actor and three starlets. Don't remember any names. They sang, danced, told jokes and enthralled the GIs who desperately needed some cheering up and American entertainment.
Woody-Guyton.jpgGood Buddy186 viewsHarold Woody having breakfast with the late Wardell Guyton.
File_2-2.JPGIn the Boonies186 viewsMy M-16 isn't loaded. Er, I hope it isn't loaded. FO Lt Joe Hannigan on the left.
File_9-6.JPGField of Fire186 viewsI'm all set here, but my real job is in the FO party with Lt Hannigan.
Wigginton.JPGNew Lens185 viewsPfc Douglas Wigginton served as a "volunteer" to have his picture taken with a new portrait lens purchased in Hong Kong. Still gotta work on focus, though.
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