
Huey_Ride_over_battery.jpg54 views

Modern_Day_Rick.jpegI Know War54 viewsRick has probably seen more action with the 2/9th FA than most soldiers.

Pleiku_Sign.jpgWelcome to Pleiku51 viewsWell, not really. After my one-week excursion thru Camp Alpha and Saigon, it was time to get down to business. I caught a 0400hrs flight out of Tan Son Nhut into Pleiku in mid-Nov 1967. That's where the "real stuff" began. It was the HQ of the 2/9th FA Bn at the time. After checking in and getting my assignment, some of the "regulars" wanted to show me the town of Pleiku. You can tell from the sign alone this was my first mistake. It was a shithole of the worst degree. I never went back there, EVER!

Don_s_Plaque.jpg49 views

scout_dog.jpg49 views

Huey___155mm.jpgEarly Days of Duc Pho - Spring, 196749 viewsA Huey drops off supplies that go with the 155mm howitzer. Don't think that the Huey can pick up the 155; it can't.

Don_and_John_leaving_4.jpg48 views

Nam__x_mas__1969.jpg48 views

Pet_monkey.jpg48 views

Redlegs_in_Hosp_Suite.JPGThe Redleg Regulars48 views(Standing) Dennis Dauphin, Webmasters, www.themightyninth.org
Don Keith, Joe Henderson, outgoing President of the 35th Regt Assn, and Wayne Crochet.

Bell_OH-58_Kiowa.jpg47 views

Ericksen_-_Flag.jpegThe Battle of St George47 viewsOne of the biggest battles the 2/9th engaged in. See a lot more in the War Stories link.
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