
TR72.jpgTen-Hut!188 viewsTime to pass out the awards, medals and ribbons.
Anyone know the recipients?

Dixon43.jpgLZ English - Bong Son188 viewsBong-Son was a scary place and we had a lot of weird things happen there, so I kept armed to the teeth 24/7! We were spoiled by the perimeter bunkers we built at Duc Pho. At English, all we had was a flimsy culvert section and some worn-out sandbags with broken-down barbed wire for protection. ONE AK-47 round probably would have gone through this like cheese! I was always told that I was exempt from guard duty due to my critical MOS... but that meant nothing when I got to Viet Nam- especially at Bong Son! Here is an example of my perimeter guard post. Note the M-60 machine gun and ammo, M-79 grenade launcher, flare, box of C-rations, bug spray, etc.. And EVERYTHING looked like it was moving out there at night!

Dixon-Hospital.jpgC-141 Starlifter188 viewsGot violently ill one night and went into a coma at Qui Nhon. This beautiful bird evacuated me to the Phillipines. On the flight, I saw a guy on a stretcher suspended on the next tier up. When his sheet fell off, I saw that he had lost both legs and left arm. I was partially paralyzed at the time and didn't know if I was going to live, but I remember thinking how lucky I was compared to him. I often wonder what happened to this brave soldier.

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Rick_E_2-5.JPG188 views

Okie449.JPGBush Hat188 viewsReady for the bush, obviously. Here, "Doc", (Ireland?) the medic, is packed & ready. Notice the western style pistol tucked in the belt.

SG-8.JPGLZ Incoming188 viewsOn LZ Incoming just before the shit hit the fan. Lt George in center; Jimmy Loy is at right. The FDC CONEX hole is in on the left.

TStuber-Denver2.JPGterry Stuber - Denver Photos188 viewsJim Connolly, Ernie & LaWanna Kingcade, Danny & Laura Fort, Terry Stuber, Linda & Bill Kull, and Rita Stuber.

DM22.jpg"On The Way"187 viewsWell, it was. Then it became "Shot, Over". Camera captures the 105mm howitzer in perfect recoil.

WS-6.JPGSandbagging187 viewsNote the heavy use of sandbags and engineer stakes.

2008Reunion-24.jpgDick Arnold187 viewsDick Arnold poses (almost) for a snapshot at the banquet finale. Dick has contributed valuable information in the development of the 2/9th website and has devoted himself to the honor and memory of our KIAs of the 35th and the 2/9th.

Dixon13a.jpgPitching In187 viewsGetting with the program...even us Commo guys!
Note the "macho" version of artillery ear plugs. No wonder we go deaf as seniors.
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