
MK306.jpgAttack on The Oasis189 viewsOne of the main objectives of the attack was the Hawk Missile Radar Battery (without the missiles) at the NW corner of the “Oasis”. We were using the radar to track Russian helicopters coming across the border to Plei Me.

MK-57.jpgThe Suspects189 viewsThese are "Yards" who were blacklisted as VC suspects.

Dixon18.jpgThe 2/9th Hexagon graphic189 viewsThis is one of our HQ Btry guys with one of our trucks. Note the special 2/9th hexagon graphic on the door. It is basically a yellow hexagon with a red overlay. It you look at it the right way, it appears to be a box tipped at an angle.

Dixon34.jpg155mm Self-Propelled189 viewsTaken when assisting another unit's commo group. They were on the far end of Montezuma from where 2/9th was. This was a self-propelled) 155mm howitzer as it sat at Montezuma/Duc Pho. Taken with a Polaroid and an officer got bugged at me for taking it. I reminded him that I had top secret clearance and he got de-bugged. The marking above the white star is a cartoon of a duck sitting on a squashed egg. Don't recall anymore what it said, but was quite humorous.

Dixon44.jpgLZ English - Bong Son189 viewsMe and some of the guys in commo managed to "acquire" a few unauthorized, non-standard arms. Along the way I had a "grease-gun", a "B.A.R.", a captured AK-47, and others. I also carried an M-16 "over and under" (grenade launcher underneath the barrel) until they took it away! Here I am at English with one of my "slightly modified" early M-16s (note that the prongs on the barrel end are NOT joined) and an M-1 A-1 rifle I loved. I also carried a .45 sidearm given to me by one of the officers. And would you believe that I am NOT a "gun guy"?

Slide71.jpgBig Truck189 viewsThe locals manage to domesticate the water buffalo and the elephants for their work purposes. Also, the enemy used them as truck-haulers.

Woody,Tucker,Guyton.jpgMore Buddies189 viewsSection Chief Edwin Tucker (center) and Wardell Guyton, right (deceased) pose with Harold Woody.

Tex_6-1.JPGOut of uniform?189 viewsYou won't find this method of showering in Ft Sill's FM 6-40. Hanging a water can to the end of the howitzer tube is strictly an improvisation. They would have to add another Chapter.

SG-20.JPGMy Album!189 viewsWelcome to my world...the world of Sgt Steve Gorecky, FDC, FA...Vietnam. The "Dead Dink" score is just behind my head on my left. "A" Battery was credited with a certain number of "kills". That number indicated the number of bad guys that weren't going to have another birthday. Note the "Mighty Ninth" FDC sign behind me. I came here just in time to "celebrate" TET-68. Lucky me!

TS-3.jpgLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot188 viewsArtillery housekeeping. Note how neat & organized. The "aiming sticks" are shown at bottom right.

MK292.jpgAttack on The Oasis188 viewsPolicing up the explosives in the wire where the three NVA Sapper assassins were killed. This was a diversion away from the main Attack on the Northwest Perimeter corner of the “Oasis”.

MK307.jpgAttack on The Oasis188 viewsThis was the Hawk radar unit I used to target and shoot Artillery air burst rounds at Russian helicopter targets; also used the Q4 radar.
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