The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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GDS-70.JPGRounds landing66 viewsIf you look closely, you can see where the rounds were landing (smoke on the horizon). A/1/35 was "in contact" about 3 clicks from the battery position. A very rare occasion to see your rounds exploding downrange.
GDS-81.JPGMaintenance66 viewsGun crews (cannoneers) doing howitzer maintenance on the M101A1.
GDS-84.JPGB-52 drops bomb66 viewsCloser look at bomb crater, LZ 503A
GDS-112.JPGLZ 510B66 viewsThe trash sump at LZ 510B. Good place for "Charlie" to hide unexploded AF ordnance as a booby trap. Good reason not to re-occupy an LZ or have it swept first.
GDS-111.JPGLZ 510B66 viewsLooking across the creek into the jungle at LZ 510B.
Your mission begins when you enter the jungle and start "humping the boonies".
GDS-219.JPGFO on break66 viewsTaking a break serving as the FO for "Bravo" Company, 1/14th Inf Regt, "The Golden Dragons".
GDS-227.JPGDay at the Beach66 viewsEnjoying the beach at Chu Lai, minus the babes, of course.
MH-6a.JPGSF Camp overrun66 viewsWhat's left of a 2-1/2 ton truck after the attack on the SF Camp.
MH-31b.JPGThe Chinook66 viewsEveryone was totally fascinated with this big aircraft coming down right on your position.
MH-35.JPGMuddy convoy66 viewsJeep leads a tank on a muddy convoy.
MH-31a.JPGBird Dog66 viewsBird Dog, near Tea Plantation, 1966.
MH6.jpgSF Camp overrun66 viewsDamage from the attack. The truck is destroyed; there were no survivors after the camp was overrun. The inability to protect the SF camps led to the escalation of units sent to Vietnam in 1965 and 1966.
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