
Chic-6.JPGChicago-Northbrook Hilton68 viewsColorful mural on the dining room wall.

Redleg_Lunch-2.JPGJoint Luncheon68 viewsEd Moor and lady friend.

Don_Kieth_-_2014.jpgHow?68 viewsHow did I get so old so fast??
Don attends a Veterans Day ceremony in Bartlett, TN on Nov 11, 2014. Truly, he is an image of "the old warrior".

DY_Mem-2a.JPGAlso "worn"68 viewsKey phrases which we all memorized and knew how to pronounce. (hah!)

DY_Mem-2.JPGAlso "worn"68 viewsFront side: handling of prisoners.

Jim_Keller.jpgMaking it through the day68 viewsNothing like a little shot to keep you going...........

Don_K_2015.JPGVeteran's Day, 201568 viewsStill standing tall 48 years after Vietnam.

Don-173d.JPG2016 Reunion of the 173d68 viewsDon submits a photo of two beauties dressed in WWII uniforms while he is in his dress blues from two (2) tours in Vietnam. Isn't it amazing how the WWII veterans held up so much better than our Vietnam veteran?

Grunt_Club_Ice.JPGGrunt Club Supply Wagon68 viewsNothing like taking a military trailer and putting it to better use! Here this trailer is loaded with ice to cover the Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

EET3a.jpgLt Edwin E. Thomas, FO for both the 35th and the 14th Regts68 viewsWe Were Soldiers...and Young...and Fit...and Good Looking...and all that. A "modern-day" photo can be found at the end of this album.

Joe_H-2~0.JPGThe ENCORE Reunion: Ft Sill, OK May, 201768 viewsOpening night at Ted's Mexican Cafe in Lawton, OK.

Christmas.jpegChristmas card in Vietnam68 viewsMany units came up with Christmas cards and some had Christmas menus also.
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