
GDS-28.JPGConvoy Duty68 viewsGoing down Highway 14

GDS-50.JPGRSOP-ing68 viewsA look inside the Chinook. A fully-loaded jeep is in the transport.
Enroute to LZ 10B

GDS-72.JPGSky Danger68 viewsA1E Skyraiders enroute to do some damage. The Skyraiders were very effective in ground support.

GDS-93.JPGEnroute to LZ 510B68 viewsEvidence of artillery and air strikes prior to a Combat Assault insertion. The code name for the prepping was a "Battle King".

GDS-104.JPGLZ 510B68 viewsSetting up shop at LZ 510B.

GDS-115.JPGLZ 510B68 viewsSp4 Lee in a "daring" pose. You know when the men are desperate for entertainment.

GDS-117.JPGLZ 510B68 viewsThe jeep made a great outdoor office.

GDS-119.JPGPopping smoke68 viewsSmoke grenades were extremely important in the Vietnam war. It guided the helicopters to your position. Without smoke, the pilots might never see your location.

GDS-132.JPGLZ 510B68 viewsGee, I hate to eat and run. GDS grabs a mouthful in a hurry.

GDS-152.JPGLZ Tip68 viewsLt Springer, serving as the Btry CO of "Delta" Battery, stands outside his "home" at LZ Tip.

GDS-201.JPGArty strike68 viewsArtillery hitting targets across a rice paddy.

GDS-203.JPGArty strike68 viewsAircraft observing strike.
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