
JD-193.JPG69 views

JD-229.JPG69 views

JD-239.JPG69 views

JD-278.JPG69 views

JD-324.JPG69 views

DY_Mem-1a.JPGAlso "worn"69 viewsBackside of the Code of Conduct.

RW-M1.JPGArrival at LZ Montezuma69 viewsA typical Vietnamese village off Highway 1.

DTurner-10.jpgOur 105mm "popgun" artillery69 views

Keith_Goes_Cong.JPGHa so?69 viewsDon adapts the Vietnamese headwear; keeps the sun out of his eyes, he says.

Flag_is_Captured.JPGI got it!69 viewsEvery battle known to man is to capture the other guy's flag. Here it is!

Joe_H-4~0.JPGThe ENCORE Reunion: Ft Sill, OK May, 201769 viewsL to R: Bill Henson, President of the 35th Inf Regt Assn, our Guest of Honor for including the 2/9th FA to their Reunions; Jim Connolly, a member of the Bn TOC, and Joe Henderson, also a TOC veteran. Joe was deceased in 4/21.

TStu-2.jpg500,000th round69 viewsCommemorating the half-millionth round, fired by "B" Battery. The old fuse setter to the left is a real relic.
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