The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Don_K_-hand.JPGA rock?71 viewsTHIS is a Water Buffalo turd?!? You said it was a rock!

(Guess you flunked your minor in Geology, Don!)
DTurner-1.jpgA General visits71 views
DTurner-14.jpgOIC71 viewsCaptain Howard "Dutch" Hutsell stands outside a bunker with a soldier getting a Nam suntan.

Dutch was on the Battalion Staff as the S-4 and was later the Battery Commander for "A" Battery. Originally from Arkansas, he deceased in 2019.
2Village_Firefight.JPGVillage Firefight71 viewsDon says that this is the battle where Lt Dick Arnold of B/1/35 and his platoon were pinned down.
AS-17.JPGBeautiful Sky71 viewsBackdrop of a pretty day in Vietnam.
Joe_H-3.JPGThe ENCORE Reunion: Ft Sill, OK May, 201771 viewsDanny Fort stands proudly with his walking stick in the center of the group.
Terry_Stuber.jpgModern Day Terry71 viewsTerry is a well-traveled veteran, keeping up with all three Ft Sill reunions and his FDC buddies from Battery "B".
Falkenstein.jpg"A" Battery, LZ St George71 viewsMedic Sp4 Bill Falkenstein (deceased) was present at the battle of LZ St George and was decorated for his heroism. The photos in this Gallery have been sent in by his son, Nate.
Portland_2.jpgBanquet Table Selection71 viewsEvery year, a drawing is held for the closing Saturday Night Banquet.
GDS-18.JPGPlei Me70 viewsBunkers at Special Forces camp.
GDS-107.JPGMortar Section70 viewsA 4.2 (four-deuce) mortar position.
GDS-110.JPGLZ 510B70 viewsDeveloping the battery position at LZ 510B. Note that the cannons are positioned at "high angle fire" because they are surrounded by a tight tree line.
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