
SK-5.JPGChurch71 viewsColorful church located in Kontum.

SK-17.JPGExpert Badge71 viewsI am proving how I earned my Expert marksmanship badge. Note how the bullet has a long way to fall.

SK-36.JPGShow Time71 viewsThis youngsters danced their hearts out for us.

Huseth-3.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 196671 viewsMike notes that this is Sgt James L. Jenkins of Hq Battery.

MH-36a.JPGMuddy convoy71 viewsLead vehicle is a French-made armored car.

MH-46.JPGThe Old and the New71 viewsThese are members of the DivArty staff. The Sergeant Major Henry, with the newest uniform, is at right. Meanwhile, you get a good trip down memory lane with the OD uniforms, the white cloth name tags and the later camouflaged name tags. The Sergeant Major, of course, is wearing the "uniform-to-be"...jungle fatigues and jungle boots.

MH-52.JPGConference71 viewsPicture taken near Tea Plantation along Hwy 19. One of our guys huddles with the kids at lower right.

MH-55.JPGEarly Arrivals71 viewsEverything about this photo tells you that these guys are the "early arrivals" from Hawaii.

MH-65.JPGBird Dog71 viewsBird Dog on the airstrip. Looks like the soldier in the white tee shirt is running cable.

MH-78.JPGMonsoon, 1966 - Tea Plantation71 viewsWelcome to the monsoon season. Mud everywhere, roads useless. We were at the Tea Plantation when the monsoon hit.

MH-7a.JPGTake Two71 viewsAlways take two photos in case one doesn't come out right. Look carefully and you'll find differences in the photos.

Uplift2013A.jpgA little photo magic71 viewsI created it with a picture of me with my son on LZ Uplift earlier this year with a picture of me taken on LZ Uplift 46 years ago.
A little photo magic makes a powerful memory!
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