
J_Stoltz_18.JPG73 views

WF-Citation.JPGARCOM Citation73 viewsSp4 William Falkenstein awarded the ARCOM medal for heroic actions at the battle of LZ St George, 5Nov69.

Falkenstein_Uni.jpegCombat Medic, "A" Battery73 viewsSp5 William Falkenstein's uniform. Promoted to Sp5.

WF-2.JPG73 views

Lee_4.JPGOkerstroms73 viewsNow we know who they are.........
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.

GDS-59.JPGField Dining72 viewsBattery Exec Officer (XO) Lt Jim Daly cooking his rations.

GDS-165.JPGQui Nhon72 viewsHotel Manager

GDS-172.JPGSkyraiders72 viewsA1E Skyraiders parked at Pleiku

GDS-226.JPGDay at the Beach72 viewsA good FO surrounds himself with a lot of lifeguards.

DK-Bag2.jpg72 viewsLt Bob Bagwell seems to like the pilot's helmet.

DK-Viet5.jpg72 views

DK-Viet9.jpg72 views
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