
J_Stoltz_14.JPG74 views

J_Stoltz_12.JPG74 views

WF-3.JPG74 views

WF-6.JPG74 views

GDS-20.JPGPlei Me73 viewsTwo Montagnard boys stand in back of the "one-holer".

GDS-154.JPGLZ Tip73 viewsSection Chief waiting for commands from the FDC.

GDS-178.JPGLZ Montezuma73 viewsThe resupply pad at LZ Montezuma

GDS-212.JPGBurning village73 viewsOrders often came down to burn any villages.

GDS-232.JPG73 views

GDS-110a.JPGBattery position73 viewsNote the use of bamboo poles to support the sandbag roof. You had to use whatever you could find in the jungle.

GDS-242x.JPGSniper Hill73 viewsAn artillery prep and some A1E Skyraiders strike on a hill assigned to B/1/14 to climb and do a S&D mission for VC or NVA. Hill got its name from the continued sniper fire anytime we got close to it.

DK-Viet1.jpg73 viewsVisiting the villages; doing some Civil Affairs events
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