
RW-10.JPGSurveyors shaving75 viewsArtillery surveyors Houch and Danny Yates cleaning up.

RW-22.JPGNew Mess Hall75 viewsPhoto of new mess hall at Pleiku base camp.

RW-22b.JPGRoofing the Mess Hall75 viewsBob was a carpenter and roofer, his secondary MOS.

RW-45.JPGDestroying the caves75 viewsView of the survey teams poncho cover sleeping accommodations. I remember being awaken by something crawling over me that turned out to be large rats. Apparently we didn't police our empty C-ration cans very well.

RW-31a.JPGGrave75 viewsThis grave was located at Bronco Beach.

RW-Base5.jpgBase Camp75 viewsPanorama of the Base Camp, circa 1966.

RW-M3.JPGArrival at LZ Montezuma75 viewsInside our Survey hooch with two UNK artillery surveyors admiring their four-star accommodations.

Fire_in_the_hole-1.JPGKa-blooey!75 viewsThe NCO is getting ready to blow this enemy stash to kingdom come!

GDB-2.JPGGuess where I was sent?75 viewsYep...Vietnam! Joined up with the great redleg brothers of The Mighty Ninth, 2/9th FA, which was now part of the 4th Infantry Division, having been "swapped out" from the 25th Inf Div on 1Aug67.

AS-4.JPGCargo Airport75 viewsFixed-wing cargo planes on the tarmac.

Joe_H-8~0.JPGThe ENCORE Reunion: Ft Sill, OK May, 201775 viewsGreat Guys! Our Host, Jerry Orr (dec) and John "Moon" Mullins, who worked closely with Jerry to handle all the reunion details.

TStu-9.jpgLt Carl Stout75 viewsLt Carl Stout, Forward Observer
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