The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Wald-62.JPGLZ Uplift75 viewsRTO is Cpl John Kuntz, PFC Hourigan is the Gunner, Sp4 Ernest Johnson is the Asst Gunner, Sp4 Kurt Krabbe is the Loader, and PFC Jones has his foot on the trail.
Wald-72.JPGView from above75 viewsEvery field veteran knows the aerial view of Nam....rice paddies and more rice paddies. Taken from a CH-47.
SK-10.JPGHilltop Home75 viewsThis is gonna be our new home. Notice the "popped smoke" - universal marker in Nam for verification to the pilots.
SK-31.JPGNot bad!75 viewsAttractive young Vietnamese woman.
SK-33.JPGParty Trick75 viewsWe were tricking the VC into thinking that we were staying here.
Huseth-4.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 196675 viewsNotations on photo: 3d Section. Identified by the arrows are: Sgt Walter Hyatt, Cpl Eye, and Sgt Larry Jenkins.
JD-319.JPG75 views
Chic-15.JPGIn comfort75 viewsPres Bill Henson shares his tales in the comfort of a lobby easy chair.
Chic-27.JPGThe Logo75 viewsColorful logo screens mark the beginning of the closing Saturday night banquet.
Chic-32.JPGThe Malnars75 viewsRedleg Greg Malnar and wife Katie. Greg served with A/2/9 and has become a reunion veteran.
Redleg_Lunch-1.JPGThe annual C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty joint luncheon75 viewsJoe Turner listens as Don Keith leans in to tell another war story. Jim Connolly, at the end of the table, has heard all this before.
VaB-4.JPGThe Cavalier Oceanfront Hotel75 viewsSee? A beautiful, nice walking path, and a grand golf course.
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