
Firebase8.jpg75 viewsThis hill blocks the view of LZ Montezuma (as seen from LZ OD to the west). Montezuma was first home to the US Marines, then the 3rd Brigade, 25th which re-named it FSB Bronco. Later, the name returned to Montezuma. Take your pick!

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DK-Award8.jpgAwards Ceremony75 views

JW-5.JPGFt. Sandbag75 viewsArtillerymen know the value of sandbags...throughout the firebase.

JW-26.JPGLaundry day75 viewsGI laundry hangs between #3 Gun Section and the #6 Gun Section.

Wald-29.JPGNo time for a smoke break75 viewsPFC James G. Hourigan loads a "big bullet" into the 105mm howitzer.

Wald-45.JPGGun "Buddies"75 viewsPFC Hourigan and Cpl John Kuntz. LZ Corral, March, 1967.

Wald-57.JPGConvoy vehicle75 views
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