
GDS-66.JPGFire Mission75 viewsThe firing position is still being prepared while a fire mission is in progress.

GDS-116.JPGLZ 510B75 viewsSp4 R. O. Shepherd at LZ 510B. Note the "stateside" fatigues with the color logos and emblems. Another sign that jungle fatigues were not fully available in the 66-67 timeframe.

GDS-122.JPGPrisoner75 viewsIf you enlarge this photo, the rope is faintly visible; it was the rope that lowered the NVA prisoner to the ground.

GDS-123.JPGChow Time75 views"Well, we call it that because it looks like that!"

GDS-161.JPGQui Nhon75 viewsView from atop a hotel in Qui Nhon.

GDS-162.JPGQui Nhon75 viewsHotel Bed

GDS-163.JPGQui Nhon75 viewsThe Hotel Manager

GDS-166.JPGQui Nhon75 viewsSights in Qui Nhon

GDS-173.JPGBOQ75 viewsThe BOQ at Dragon Mountain, Pleiku

GDS-175.JPGBarbershop75 viewsThe barbershop at LZ Montezuma, Duc Pho

DK-Pers7.jpgMen of B-1-3575 views

DK-Tire2.jpg75 views
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