The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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DK-Award6.jpgAwards Ceremony77 views
Wald-52.JPGVung Tau: In-country R&R Center77 viewsRelaxing at the beach.
MB-3.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Mattie Beal House Tour77 viewsTaking the Beal House tour.
MB-6.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Mattie Beal House Tour77 views"Most women collect shoes; Mattie collected hats."
JD-201.JPG77 views
JD-321.JPG77 views
LZ_Lois_-_RandR.JPGLZ Lois - Me77 viewsI'm back from R&R after going AWOL at the AF barracks at Pleiku Airbase until I could hook a ride back to the battery. After being to Enari for the first time in almost seven months before R&R, I couldn't bear relieving the REMFs from bunker guard duty so they could go to clubs and drink the Bud that never made it to the field.
Chic-19.JPGDave Collins77 viewsDave Collins assists with organizing the joint C-1-35 dinner with the redlegs of the 2/9th. Turned out to be a "marathon of fellowship" as the wait-staff was very short-handed that night. But...mission accomplished!
Chic-25.JPGCall to Order77 viewsThe Emcee calls the banquet agenda to order, beginning the evening's ceremonies.
2014_Ku_Award.JPGThe 2014 Ku Award77 viewsAfter the joint C-1-35 & 2/9th dinner, grunt Jerry Walling and his wife presented the coveted (or perhaps un-coveted) "Ku Award". The first award was presented to redleg Bert Landau a couple of years ago. What is the "Ku Award"? Don't ask.
RW-2.JPGThe Mighty Ninth goes by sea77 viewsWhat I remember was that I went by sea and that the trip was rough due to the flat bottom of the LST. I recall standing to get a better view and the ship came down off a wave and buckled my knees. I then climbed into the cab of a truck for the remaining trip to Duc Pho.
RW-4.JPGBubble arrives77 viewsC&C chopper coming in.
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