
RW-5.JPGHere comes C&C77 viewsA "bubble helo" arriving usually meant the boss coming for a visit.

AS-16.JPGFreshly Dropped77 viewsHere's one of our cannons fresh from being dropped. Note all the supplies that are wrapped around the howitzer so that we can begin unloading and set up immediately.

Joe_H-19~0.JPGThe ENCORE Reunion: Ft Sill, OK May, 201777 views

Joe_H-6~0.JPGThe ENCORE Reunion: Ft Sill, OK May, 201777 viewsNewlyweds Mike Kurtis and bride Mercy.

TStu-6.jpg77 views

WF-11.JPG77 views

Stateside.JPGStateside barracks77 viewsThe early days...

Portland_16.jpgHospitality Suite77 viewsThere's David Dunn in the dark shirt, Joe Henderson, and Bobby Day.

Joe_H.JPGMen of the 35th - Our brothers in combat77 viewsAttached Pic is from 1969, Stand down. If you knew any of the these men you were lucky, because they had my back and yours over there. It’s a Family shot taken in dim light. The drink of the day was Beer and RC Cola. Eighty cases of beer and forty cases of soda were consumed by the next morning.
Photo courtesy of Joe Soga/Joe Henderson

GDS-165.JPGQui Nhon76 viewsHotel Manager

GDS-204.JPGHuey76 viewsHuey nearby.

DK-Bag2.jpg76 viewsLt Bob Bagwell seems to like the pilot's helmet.
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