The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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MK9.jpgHoochmates198 views"Indigenous personnel" do the boot-shining.
DScott_ready.JPG198 viewsLots of memories here...the sandbags, the M2 Aiming Circle, the R292 antenna reaching into the sky, the ammo crates, interlocking bunkers.
MG-3.JPGThe M102198 viewsMore info on the M102 replacing the old war horse M101A1 with the split trails.
Chris_Herrick_-_Bill_Farmer.jpgLt Chris Herrick and Lt Bill Farmer198 viewsLt Herrick sitting on the passenger side and Lt Farmer in the driver's seat. Herrick served in the Bn S-3 shop and commanded the temporary "D" Battery. Bill Farmer was KIA on an FO assignment.
Flooded_Paddies.jpgLZ OD - Flooding the paddies197 viewsAlmost totally unfazed by the surrounding hostilities, the rice farmers flood their fields. A clear view (looking south) from LZ OD to LZ Montezuma / Bronco in the distance. The rice paddies were worked every day. We had no road transportation out of LZ OD. You had to fly or walk.
GotBeer.jpgWarm Beer197 viewsThe year was 1967 and the beer was available; warm beer, that is. It was 3.2 beer and warm, but...we drank it anyway!
scan0002.jpgGot Beer?197 viewsYou never knew what a luxury hot beer would be! Lt Dauphin shows off a "beer moustache".
TS-7.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot197 viewsMud puddles everywhere.
Sunrise2.JPGSunrise, Sunset197 viewsThe sun rises behind the mountain that served as the rear flank for the 3rd Brigade HQ at LZ Montezuma/FSB Bronco.
MK-62.jpgWounded NVA197 viewsCaptured NVA; left behind for us to find.
2-9th_4a.jpgThe Banquet197 views...and here are their twin brothers....

Missing twins are: Ernest Correia and Jim Connolly.
L-19.jpgLZ Montezuma196 viewsAn L-19 light observation craft used by Forward Air Controllers (FAC) to coordinate air strikes by confirming ground target locations.
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