The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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RW-26.JPGSpider hole78 viewsDino Martin and Wilson posed outside a spider hole.
RW-31.JPGBronco Beach78 viewsLanding on the sand near LZ Bronco (Montezuma).
RW-42.JPGDestroying the caves78 viewsCompany "B", 1/14th in the dining area near the cave expedition.
Hwy_1_Convoy.JPGConvoy danger78 viewsTraveling highways in VN was always dangerous; the VC often set traps and ambushes. Note the ancient rail cars in the background.
RW-Village2.jpgArrival at LZ Montezuma78 viewsAnother village near Duc Pho.
RW-M7.JPGFantastic Shot of LZ Montezuma78 viewsThis is a fantastic shot of LZ Montezuma, later re-named "LZ Bronco" by 3rd Bde Commander Col James Shanahan, thus removing any trace of the prior Marine Corps occupation. This photo was taken from the landmark mountain overlooking LZ Montezuma at Duc Pho. Surveyor Danny Yates got a butt-chewing for climbing this mountain; he was told that both the Marine Corps and the VC set numerous mines and booby traps because of its military value. Turn around and you would see the South China Sea.
Crowne_Plaza~0.JPGBright & Sunny78 viewsThe sun shone brightly on the reunion. The Crowne Plaza was decorated in Hawaiian-style format. The Hospitality Suite was fully stocked and loaded with the usual goodies and conveniently located in the hotel.
AS-5.JPGGoing Home - CONUS Orders78 viewsSee those overseas caps? They contain orders for going home.
AS-10.JPGScenic Firebase78 viewsThis is one of the more scenic firebases you'll ever see in Nam
AS-13.JPGGun Section78 viewsGood look at a typical gun section in Vietnam. My home for a year.
MK-5.JPGOpen Forum78 viewsTrainees participate in the Open Forum. Good questions brought good answers. This event was certainly a highlight of our reunion.

Photo courtesy of Mike Kurtgis
LK-2x.jpgHeave-Ho!78 viewsPushing the cannon into the rear hatch.
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