
IMG_3018.JPG76 views

sunrise3.jpg76 views

sunrise6.jpg76 views

Wald-47.JPGVung Tau: In-country R&R Center76 viewsMain Building. All photos taken 1 -3Mar67.

Wald-51.JPGVung Tau: In-country R&R Center76 viewsLife's a beach at Vung Tau

Wald-50.JPGVung Tau: In-country R&R Center76 viewsA break from the war zones.

JW-30.JPG76 views

The_old.jpgVietnam: 2012 visit76 viewsWe saw a lot of same methods used during the harvest season, but some new ones, as well. We were fortunate to be there for the harvest season so Linda could see what that was like.
The Old: We saw lots of water buffalo.

Price_Reunion_3.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price76 viewsBang...there it goes. The compression was almost as strong as the noise.

SK-45.JPGMoon & Me76 viewsJohn "Moon" Mullins and me. Now...go find us in the 2/9th Reunion photos!

Huseth-2.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 196676 viewsMike Huseth walking out of the back end of a Chinook. Note the stateside fatigue work uniform instead of jungle fatigues. The early worm got the bird.

MB-1.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Mattie Beal House Tour76 viewsTouring the historic Mattie Beal house was an option for those attending the 2/9th reunion.
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