
WF-11.JPG77 views

Stateside.JPGStateside barracks77 viewsThe early days...

Portland_16.jpgHospitality Suite77 viewsThere's David Dunn in the dark shirt, Joe Henderson, and Bobby Day.

Lee_2.JPGThe Okerstrom Family77 viewsHere they are...with Bert Landau as the intruder at far right. Hugging the gals as always.
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.

GDS-38.JPGThe Montagnards76 viewsThe locals do their hauling...the old way.

GDS-68.JPGOffsides76 viewsThe cannoneer standing between the trails shouldn't be positioned there...for good reason.

GDS-168.JPGQui Nhon76 viewsThe bay at Qui Nhon

Sunrisexx.jpg76 viewsMorning sunrises and evening sunsets in Nam were a sight to behold.

DK-Tire3.jpg76 views

DK-Viet8.jpg76 views

Firebase9.jpg76 viewsA large series of rice paddies provided a western border to the LZ.

IMG_3017.JPG76 views
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