
JW-22.JPGLZ OD77 viewsA 3/4 ton and jeep near the R-292 antennas at LZ OD.

JW-24.JPGPFC Marion Sullivan77 viewsPFC Marion N. Sullivan, later Sp4 Sullivan. Taken at Christmas, 1966.

Wald-12.JPGHwy 1977 viewsStationed at the An Khe Pass.

Wald-52.JPGVung Tau: In-country R&R Center77 viewsRelaxing at the beach.

DY-32d.JPGThen & Now: the search for Base Camp77 viewsUnfortunately, when we got there, we found it was a restricted area (we couldn't even stop for pictures), so the attached picture is the best I could come with. Oh, how I would have liked to have been able to walk around that hill once more.

Street_vendor.jpgVietnam: 2012 visit77 viewsStreet Vendor: I tried my hand at street vending, but decided retirement was still the best option for me!

SK-18.JPGThe Basement77 viewsPhoto taken down in the "basement TOC".

Huseth-12.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 196677 viewsMike Huseth is shown taking part in the load out of the Section's 105mm.

MB-6.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Mattie Beal House Tour77 views"Most women collect shoes; Mattie collected hats."

RC-2.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Retirement Ceremony77 views"Hey, Moon...ain't we supposed to be in the front row?"
Yep...a little SNAFU. We were scheduled to be "guests of honor" at this retirement ceremony.

BS-1.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Buffalo Soldier Barracks77 views"Excuse me, ma'am, but do you have any bunks for rent?" Entrance to the 1860s barracks.

JD-283.JPG77 views
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