
Chic-28.JPGDon & Company78 viewsFO Lt Don Kieth with his wife Barb and her daughter Cindy.

JoeH_-_1.JPGSide Trip78 viewsJoe & Martha Henderson do a little "side-tripping" in Chicago.

IMG_5743.jpgThis was the "Freedom Bird" for me78 viewsMany of us came home to Travis AFB aboard C-141's. It was a real hoot to go back there
and take a tour of one of those planes. I've included a picture of me and the C-141 I came home on. It was taken at Clark AFB in the Philippines.

IMG_5725.jpgInside the Freedom Bird78 viewsChecking the accommodations for servicemen returning home.

AK-9.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway78 viewsCobra close-up.

StG-13.JPGMemories of LZ St George78 viewsCobra warming up at St George.

RW-42.JPGDestroying the caves78 viewsCompany "B", 1/14th in the dining area near the cave expedition.

Hwy_1_Convoy.JPGConvoy danger78 viewsTraveling highways in VN was always dangerous; the VC often set traps and ambushes. Note the ancient rail cars in the background.

Gun_Ship_4.JPGLZ Uplift78 viewsThe armed Chinook at LZ Uplift. It was a flying fire machine.

RW-Firing_Battery.jpgGoing to the field78 viewsWe fly out to a field battery for survey work.

RW-Village2.jpgArrival at LZ Montezuma78 viewsAnother village near Duc Pho.

RW-M7.JPGFantastic Shot of LZ Montezuma78 viewsThis is a fantastic shot of LZ Montezuma, later re-named "LZ Bronco" by 3rd Bde Commander Col James Shanahan, thus removing any trace of the prior Marine Corps occupation. This photo was taken from the landmark mountain overlooking LZ Montezuma at Duc Pho. Surveyor Danny Yates got a butt-chewing for climbing this mountain; he was told that both the Marine Corps and the VC set numerous mines and booby traps because of its military value. Turn around and you would see the South China Sea.
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