
JC-5.JPGBC78 viewsLeft: Battery Commander Dave Horswell; Bob Richardson

AS-5.JPGGoing Home - CONUS Orders78 viewsSee those overseas caps? They contain orders for going home.

MK-5.JPGOpen Forum78 viewsTrainees participate in the Open Forum. Good questions brought good answers. This event was certainly a highlight of our reunion.
Photo courtesy of Mike Kurtgis

LK-14.jpgConvoy to nowhere78 viewsThis convoy was headed to Cambodia....of course, we were never there in the first place.

LK-2x.jpgHeave-Ho!78 viewsPushing the cannon into the rear hatch.

Joe_H-5~0.JPGThe ENCORE Reunion: Ft Sill, OK May, 201778 viewsThe Mighty Ninth Webmaster, Dennis Dauphin, at far left. He compiled many photos from our Nam service into a PowerPoint presentation at the Mexican Cafe'.

BnCo.jpgBattalion Commander78 viewsBattalion Commander of the 1/35th Inf Regiment attends the Banquet.

TStu-11-map.jpgQuick reference map78 viewsOne of many thousands of hand-drawn maps of the outposts of Vietnam. It notes MANY of the locations of assignments given to the 2/9th FA.

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J_Stoltz_26.JPG78 views

Lee_1.JPGA reunion hug78 viewsCapt Dave Collins gives Pam Okerstrom a friendly hug.
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.
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