
Chic-31.JPGHigh Five78 views

Chic-29.JPGThe Dauphin Crew78 viewsRedleg webmaster Dennis Dauphin poses with new daughter-in-law Beth Kander, youngest son Danny, and wife Jackie.

Chic-28.JPGDon & Company78 viewsFO Lt Don Kieth with his wife Barb and her daughter Cindy.

JoeH_-_1.JPGSide Trip78 viewsJoe & Martha Henderson do a little "side-tripping" in Chicago.

IMG_5743.jpgThis was the "Freedom Bird" for me78 viewsMany of us came home to Travis AFB aboard C-141's. It was a real hoot to go back there
and take a tour of one of those planes. I've included a picture of me and the C-141 I came home on. It was taken at Clark AFB in the Philippines.

AK-9.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway78 viewsCobra close-up.

StG-13.JPGMemories of LZ St George78 viewsCobra warming up at St George.

RW-42.JPGDestroying the caves78 viewsCompany "B", 1/14th in the dining area near the cave expedition.

Hwy_1_Convoy.JPGConvoy danger78 viewsTraveling highways in VN was always dangerous; the VC often set traps and ambushes. Note the ancient rail cars in the background.

Gun_Ship_4.JPGLZ Uplift78 viewsThe armed Chinook at LZ Uplift. It was a flying fire machine.

RW-Village2.jpgArrival at LZ Montezuma78 viewsAnother village near Duc Pho.

Crowne_Plaza~0.JPGBright & Sunny78 viewsThe sun shone brightly on the reunion. The Crowne Plaza was decorated in Hawaiian-style format. The Hospitality Suite was fully stocked and loaded with the usual goodies and conveniently located in the hotel.
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