
BS-5.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Buffalo Soldier Barracks79 viewsNo mattresses - what you had was a "splinter bed".

BS-7.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Buffalo Soldier Barracks79 viewsReady for inspection?

LG-5.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts79 viewsJerry and Barbara present special gifts for the ladies.

LG-8.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts79 viewsJerry and Barbara present special gifts for the ladies.

JD-181.JPG79 views

JD-210.JPG79 views

Guns___Ammo.JPGMove to LZ Red Fox79 viewsThis photo and the next are of a shithook lifting a gun and net with 10 rounds and stakes to set up for firing as soon as landed. I wasn't a cannon cocker so I don't remember the name of the delicate gizmo for the gun, which went in with advance party to the new LZ before the guns were lifted.

LZ_Tuffy_-_Civilized.JPGLZ Tuffy - 197079 views{continued from previous slide} From memory, both the 101st and 1st CAV had previously inhabited the LZ and both had the same problem we did exiting based on the evidence of Arc Light strikes and downed chopper husks in the jungle below the LZ. Like an idiot I decided I needed a break and chose to go out on the last chopper for a change instead of the usual Advance Party. So I got to party with the gun the dinks couldn't see from the ridgeline and didn't know was there when they opened up on the Chinook carrying Pineapple's crew and gun.

JoeH_-_3.JPGCompany Luncheon79 viewsLooking from the other end.

IMG_3434.jpgJust a few years later79 viewsSame area, just an older soldier.

RW-14.JPGIt's functional79 viewsMaybe it has no faucet but if you fill it with warm water, it's a pretty decent field shower.

RW-27.JPGBrew Time79 viewsWilson, Barrington, and Pfc Gordon G. Roufs enjoying a brewsky.
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