
VCseries012.JPG79 views

Waiting.jpg79 views

DK-Award2.jpg79 views

GDSb.jpg79 views

DK-Gallantry2.jpg79 views

DK-Passes2.jpg79 viewsBack side of propaganda leaflets.

JW-3b.JPGLZ OD79 viewsView from the enlisted personnel bunker to the sandbagged FDC CONEX.

JW-3d.JPGView of FDC CONEX79 viewsTaken from top of EM personnel bunker.

JW-23.JPGBilleting79 viewsThe enlisted billets at 4th Inf Div HQ.

Wald-5.JPGChristmas, 196679 viewsThe ever popular photograph of "Titty Mountain". Rumor has it that the name became so popular that the "higher ups" insisted it be called "Dragon Mountain" instead.

Wald-25.JPGGuard Duty79 viewsStanding guard over a VC prisoner. LZ Tip, Feb 67.

Wald-18.JPGPFC Hourigan79 viewsLZ Tip, Feb 67.
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