
Wald-32.JPGLZ Tip, Jan 6780 viewsView from LZ Tip.

Wald-46.JPGSp4 John Waldman80 viewsSp4 John Waldman at LZ Corral. Note the white t-shirt.

Wald-32d.jpgLZ Tip, Jan 6780 viewsUneven topography makes for an interesting firebase arrangement.

DY-32d.JPGThen & Now: the search for Base Camp80 viewsUnfortunately, when we got there, we found it was a restricted area (we couldn't even stop for pictures), so the attached picture is the best I could come with. Oh, how I would have liked to have been able to walk around that hill once more.

Huseth-1.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 196680 viewsNotation: "Charlie Battery at LZ 101, June, 1966". At far right, with this photo enlarged, you will see the notes "my gun" and "FDC tent".
These photos are from a rare existing copy of the 25th Inf Div's Yearbook commemorating 25 years of service.

Huseth-9.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 196680 viewsA short history of the 2/9th FA arriving in Nam. The writeup includes some of the other supporting units arriving with the 3rd Brigade.

Group_at_Angel_Fire.JPGGathering at the memorial80 viewsThe picture of Cowboy Danny Fort, Terry Stuber, Bill Kull and two of the Motorcycle Bikers we met. ALL of them were so polite and respectful to us.

RC-5.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Retirement Ceremony80 viewsMounted artillery took part in the pass-in-review.

LG-5.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts80 viewsJerry and Barbara present special gifts for the ladies.

LG-11.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts80 viewsJerry and Barbara present special gifts for the ladies.

JD-179.JPGLuxury accomodations80 viewsThe FOs have posted a sign next to their "bed & breakfast" with luxurious air mattresses. The sign reads: ARTY FO SECTION, then "FO PARTY, LT DELONEY, FO; CPL MILLARD, RECON SGT, PFC WEST, RTO. Below that, it lists the four-deuce section with "S/SGT GRAY, FO; PFC PASSMORE, RTO". Hours are 24/7.

JD-210.JPG80 views
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