The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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RC-5.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Retirement Ceremony80 viewsMounted artillery took part in the pass-in-review.
LG-5.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts80 viewsJerry and Barbara present special gifts for the ladies.
LG-11.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts80 viewsJerry and Barbara present special gifts for the ladies.
JD-179.JPGLuxury accomodations80 viewsThe FOs have posted a sign next to their "bed & breakfast" with luxurious air mattresses. The sign reads: ARTY FO SECTION, then "FO PARTY, LT DELONEY, FO; CPL MILLARD, RECON SGT, PFC WEST, RTO. Below that, it lists the four-deuce section with "S/SGT GRAY, FO; PFC PASSMORE, RTO". Hours are 24/7.
JD-210.JPG80 views
LZ_Tuffy_-_Civilized.JPGLZ Tuffy - 197080 views{continued from previous slide} From memory, both the 101st and 1st CAV had previously inhabited the LZ and both had the same problem we did exiting based on the evidence of Arc Light strikes and downed chopper husks in the jungle below the LZ. Like an idiot I decided I needed a break and chose to go out on the last chopper for a change instead of the usual Advance Party. So I got to party with the gun the dinks couldn't see from the ridgeline and didn't know was there when they opened up on the Chinook carrying Pineapple's crew and gun.
LZ_Abbey2.JPGLZ Abbey - the South China Sea80 views(continued) For the first time in Nam, I had the South China Sea on my map. We set up in a graveyard on top of a hill surrounded as a horseshoe by water.
JoeH_-_2.JPGCompany Luncheon80 viewsCompany "A", 1/35th has a downtown luncheon in Chicago.
AK-9.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway80 viewsCobra close-up.
RW-25.JPGMore horseplay80 viewsRedlegs Barrington and Wilson engage in a little weaponry horseplay. Note the stateside OD uniforms. The 25th Inf Div Advance Party was sent over on Christmas Eve, December, 1965 and the full 3rd Brigade Task Force was deployed in January, 1966. It took awhile before the jungle fatigues were issued.
RW-27.JPGBrew Time80 viewsWilson, Barrington, and Pfc Gordon G. Roufs enjoying a brewsky.
RW-34.JPGLZ Uplift80 viewsCamping at LZ Uplift. Bubble helo surrounded by sandbag parapet.
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