
Redleg_Lunch-6.JPGJoint Luncheon81 viewsThe ever-present evil grin of Don Keith as he table-hops. Don spent 11 months in the field as an FO and carries his "certifiably insane" paperwork wherever he goes.
His current "victim" is Jim Beddingfield, Past President of the 35th Inf Regt Assn.

AK-1.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway81 viewsThe following photos are targets of Charlie's sapper attacks on the night before Rick left Nam for the US. Heck of a going-away party!

RW-3.JPGThe Mighty Ninth goes by sea81 viewsThe next three photos show the 2/9th loaded on an LST. I believe the sea move was made from Qui Nhon to Duc Pho. I somewhat remember going by convoy in January, 1967 from Pleiku to Qui Nhon. Then the division split. Some continued by convoy and some sea to Duc Pho.

RW-6.JPGThe Mighty Ninth goes by sea81 viewsAlternate Thoughts: Some components of the 2/9th may have moved from LZ Uplift to Bronco Beach via LST while others went to Duc Pho via convoy. Qui Nhon is mostly landlocked. The men pictured are walking the deck of the LST.

RW-11.JPGHide and Seek81 viewsFellow redlegs Barrington and Pfc Gordon G. Roufs. Roufs came over from Hawaii with Operation Blue Light.

RW-20.JPGModest quarters81 viewsMy home at the Tea Plantation (Catecka). This area was south of Pleiku and south of Dragon.

RW-32.JPGLZ Uplift81 viewsLooks like a gunship demonstration.

RW-Firing_Battery.jpgGoing to the field81 viewsWe fly out to a field battery for survey work.

Plieku_Theater_Goers.JPGPleiku series81 viewsPleiku Theater Goers: People lining up for tickets and some waiting for the show to start.

Joe_H-21~0.JPGThe ENCORE Reunion: Ft Sill, OK May, 201781 views

Steve_Cox_5.JPGThe Orr Room81 viewsSteve points to the sign honoring Jerry Orr, a former member and favorite son of the 1/19th FA Training Battalion.
Photo courtesy of Steve Cox

Steve_Cox_7.JPGGraduation Day81 viewsMembers of the BCT class prepare to walk across the stage
Photo courtesy of Steve Cox
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