
KontumHills.JPGScenic View200 viewsThis road may be part of the Highway 19 that ran from An Khe to Qui Nhon.

InsideARVN.jpgView from inside200 viewsPhoto taken from inside the ARVN compound. Note the heavily fortified fence. February, 1967.

MK290.jpgAttack on The Oasis200 viewsThis is a trip flare tied off with bamboo strips where they tried to come "through the wire" in the Artillery area. The NVA and VC were also experts at defusing Claymore mines.

MK263.jpgOut of uniform200 viewsGreat to get that uniform off and clean up.

2008Reunion-28.jpgSo Long!200 viewsThe sun rises on Sunday morning as members and guests of the 35th Inf Regt annual reunion depart for home.

DFort5a.jpgBagging the CONEX200 viewsEvery move meant re-bagging the FDC-CONEX.
L to R: Gary Burrows, Gary Williams, Terry Stuber and Kelly.

DP12a.JPGOff duty200 viewsOff duty in the tent. Others on my shift were Glen Bruney and Ronnie Crowe (both leaning against sandbags). Jim Castelletti (clerk) in the foreground.

Dixon23.jpgPerformers & Entertainers200 views(Duc Pho, maybe) I distinctly remember the girl (on the right sitting) was quite withdrawn except when she was performing. I talked with her for a bit and she had seen a lot of bad stuff. I suspect she was a little depressed over something she had recently seen, but I didn't press the issue. But you can see here, while the fellow is performing, she seemed almost ready to cry. But when it came her turn, she smiled and went on like a trooper!

Dixon47.jpgLZ English - Bong Son200 views(cont) Next thing I know, the Chinook crashes on its side and the guys inside are scrambling to get out! Here they are with the chopper in the background crashed and the guys trying to cross the perimeter barbed with to get back IN to LZ English! Some of them were scraped up pretty badly.

JW-1.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet200 viewsPhotos courtesy of John Waldman.
Artillery to the rescue! Here the men of the 2/9th Arty attending the reunion: Jerry Orr, John Waldman, Lee Okerstrom, John "Moon" Mullins, Greg Malnar, Mike Kurtgis, Dennis Munden, Ed Thomas, Bert Landau, Gary Dean Springer, Ernie Correia, Edwin Moor. Missing from picture: Jim Connolly, Jim T. James, and Dennis Dauphin.

DScott-3.JPGBattery Commander, "C" Battery200 views"Hi, I'm Cpt David Scott. Make this interview quick because I've got to catch that artillery bus behind me." Yes, I served under Major Jerry Orr as the Asst S-3 in the HQ Bn. He jumped my ass on a regular basis, but he taught me a lot.

AerialViewPaddies.jpgRice Paddies - Aerial View199 viewsA helicopter view of the irrigation system for rice paddies near Duc Pho.
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