
DK-Pers21.jpg81 viewsWhatever it is, it must be good!

DK-Pers27.jpgMen of B-1-3581 viewsArmored Personnel Carrier in background...complete with shelter.

DK-Pers28.jpg81 views

DK-Tire1.jpg81 viewsLocation: 506 Valley. B-1-35 provided security for trans unit.

IMG_3015.JPG81 views

Mapboard.jpg81 viewsPosting data at the 2/9th Arty Bn Hq

B-BtrySign.jpgMorale Builder81 viewsThe sign of "B" Battery at LZ Illini says "Ready Sir". The "Dragon's Keeper" bit refers to their direct support of 1/14th Inf Regt.....the Golden Dragons, as they are known.

DK-CombatDays.jpg81 viewsDid we say "224 Consecutive Days in combat"? Try 500 ceaseless days. That sign needs updating!

JW-12.JPGSp4 John Waldman81 viewsTaken in August, 1967. John DEROS'd on 31Aug67.

Wald-32.JPGLZ Tip, Jan 6781 viewsView from LZ Tip.

SK-18.JPGThe Basement81 viewsPhoto taken down in the "basement TOC".

Group_at_Angel_Fire.JPGGathering at the memorial81 viewsThe picture of Cowboy Danny Fort, Terry Stuber, Bill Kull and two of the Motorcycle Bikers we met. ALL of them were so polite and respectful to us.
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