
51018a.jpgShopping at Massad's82 viewsThe ladies do a little shopping on Thursday.
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson

BB-40.JPGCambodia in the distance82 viewsCan't see much of it, but that's Cambodia, our neighboring enemy.

J_Stoltz_20.JPG82 views

Lee_3.JPGHospitality Suite82 viewsThe Okerstrom family enjoying the Portland Hospitality Suite.
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.

GDS-22.JPGPlei Me81 viewsDefensive perimeter at the SF camp. Note the bunkers and trenches. Out front is "the wire"...multiple rows of protective wire.

GDS-27.JPGConvoy Duty81 viewsConvoy into Pleiku from LZ Waikiki

GDS-66.JPGFire Mission81 viewsThe firing position is still being prepared while a fire mission is in progress.

GDS-75.JPGField Chat81 viewsLt Jim Daly (XO) and Lt Gary Dean Springer have a field chat.

GDS-113.JPGLZ 510B81 viewsSp4 Walter W. Lee (standing) and Sp4 John M. Waldman keeping the lamp lit.

GDS-187.JPGDuc Pho81 viewsKids playing in Duc Pho village.

GDS-218.JPGArty strike81 viewsEvidence of an arty strike.

DK-Pers21.jpg81 viewsWhatever it is, it must be good!
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