The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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JW-18.JPGLight'em up!80 viewsJohn enjoying a cigar at the #6 gun pit...safely away from the powder pit.
Wald-32d.jpgLZ Tip, Jan 6780 viewsUneven topography makes for an interesting firebase arrangement.
Huseth-1.JPG25th Div Yearbook - Oct 1, 1941 to Oct 1, 196680 viewsNotation: "Charlie Battery at LZ 101, June, 1966". At far right, with this photo enlarged, you will see the notes "my gun" and "FDC tent".
These photos are from a rare existing copy of the 25th Inf Div's Yearbook commemorating 25 years of service.
Bill_Kull_at_Helicopter.JPGMemorial to a son, Angel Fire, NM80 viewsBill is next to Huey which had been added with the new landscaping. You see it as you drive up to the Memorial.
Angel_Fire.pdfAngel Fire - The Story Behind the photos80 viewsClick on the "PDF" segment and it will open a document that tells the story of Jerry Orr's visit to a beautiful memorial originated by a Dad who never forgot the loss of his son in Vietnam.
RC-5.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Retirement Ceremony80 viewsMounted artillery took part in the pass-in-review.
BS-6.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Buffalo Soldier Barracks80 viewsInside the barracks. Nothing's changed much since then.
LG-9.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts80 viewsJerry and Barbara present special gifts for the ladies.
LG-11.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts80 viewsJerry and Barbara present special gifts for the ladies.
LG-14.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts80 viewsJerry and Barbara present special gifts for the ladies.
LG-12.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts80 viewsJerry and Barbara present special gifts for the ladies.
JD-179.JPGLuxury accomodations80 viewsThe FOs have posted a sign next to their "bed & breakfast" with luxurious air mattresses. The sign reads: ARTY FO SECTION, then "FO PARTY, LT DELONEY, FO; CPL MILLARD, RECON SGT, PFC WEST, RTO. Below that, it lists the four-deuce section with "S/SGT GRAY, FO; PFC PASSMORE, RTO". Hours are 24/7.
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