
GDS-138.JPGLZ 510B80 views"Can't wait until they invent cell phones!"

GDS-187.JPGDuc Pho80 viewsKids playing in Duc Pho village.

GDS-202.JPGArty Strike80 viewsSmoke rising from artillery strike.

DK-Bag3.jpg80 viewsForward Observers Lt Dave Whaley with Lt Bob Bagwell, still wearing a flight helmet.

DK-Pers8.jpgMen of B-1-3580 views

DK-Pers26.jpgBear in the woods80 viewsDoes a bear......Well...yes!

DK-Viet2.jpg80 views

Helo.jpg80 viewsMarine helo provides supplies.

DK-Award5.jpgAwards Ceremony80 views

DK-Award7.jpgAwards Ceremony80 views

B-BtrySign.jpgMorale Builder80 viewsThe sign of "B" Battery at LZ Illini says "Ready Sir". The "Dragon's Keeper" bit refers to their direct support of 1/14th Inf Regt.....the Golden Dragons, as they are known.

DK-Passes.jpg80 viewsCoupon-shaped propaganda materials found along the trails. This is the front side.
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