
LZ_Tuffy_-_Sikorksky_Crane_arrives.JPGLZ Tuffy - 197081 viewsThe Sikorsky Skycrane unloads a huge log, almost as long as the LZ. Many hooches used it as a foundation.

LZ_Tuffy_-_Jarisch_and_Medley.JPGLZ Tuffy - 197081 viewsClean up time. (L to R: Eugene "George" Jarisch and Mike Medley). When those of us in the advance party (that didn't find the punji stakes) out of the 4 slicks that made it, we were stranded in the clouds without commo, in the mud inundated with 50 gallon drums of persistent CS. Each morning, a dink from the group on the overlooking ridgeline would come up the draw and let off a clip trying to get us to fire back to locate our 60s. It was only fitting that the three-holer (top left in photo) was placed in that shitty location. I was hesitant to use it since it was on the draw and left one's backside facing the dinks on the opposing ridgeline.

Chic-9.JPGJus' Havin' a good time81 viewsBobby Day, Hal Bowling,

Chic-18.JPGThe Moon81 viewsJohn "Moon" Mullins makes his dinner selection at the joint C-1-35 & 2/9th get-together.

Chic-26.JPGJust a little81 viewsJackie Dauphin advises son Danny to have just a "little" dessert in order to stay slim.

Redleg_Lunch-6.JPGJoint Luncheon81 viewsThe ever-present evil grin of Don Keith as he table-hops. Don spent 11 months in the field as an FO and carries his "certifiably insane" paperwork wherever he goes.
His current "victim" is Jim Beddingfield, Past President of the 35th Inf Regt Assn.

AK-1.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway81 viewsThe following photos are targets of Charlie's sapper attacks on the night before Rick left Nam for the US. Heck of a going-away party!

RW-35.JPGHeading for Hon Noc Mountain81 viewsCatching a ride and headed to the caves.

Plieku_Catholic_Shrine_2.JPGPleiku series81 viewsPleiku Catholic Shrine: A panoramic view of the shrine and church yard.

Photog.JPGNew photo service81 viewsA new addition to the activities of this year's reunion in the Hospitality Suite was an "on-hand" photographer who shot many, many photos of everyone in attendance. His handiwork was promptly developed and posted on the board shown.

Back_Nine.JPGThe Golf Game81 viewsScenic view taken on the back nine of the Naval Base, site of this year's golf outing in San Diego.

Joe_H-18~0.JPGThe ENCORE Reunion: Ft Sill, OK May, 201781 viewsThe late Joe Henderson, standing by the Entrance to the Museum. Joe served a 2-year term as President of the 35th Inf Regt Assn, as well as being a member of the 2/9th FA,
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