
GDS-169.JPGQui Nhon81 viewsThe sights of Qui Nhon

GDS-187.JPGDuc Pho81 viewsKids playing in Duc Pho village.

DK-Pers1.jpg81 views

DK-Pers21.jpg81 viewsWhatever it is, it must be good!

DK-Pers27.jpgMen of B-1-3581 viewsArmored Personnel Carrier in background...complete with shelter.

DK-Pers28.jpg81 views

DK-Viet14.jpg81 views

IMG_3015.JPG81 views

Mapboard.jpg81 viewsPosting data at the 2/9th Arty Bn Hq

RiceHaul.jpg81 viewsLt Keith holds a helmet-full of salt.

DK-CombatDays.jpg81 viewsDid we say "224 Consecutive Days in combat"? Try 500 ceaseless days. That sign needs updating!

JW-15.JPGJust a little horseplay81 viewsLooks like PFC Hourigan is making a grab for John's beer.
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