
GDS-71.JPGTotal Recoil82 viewsIf you enlarge this photo and look closely, you can see the howitzer tube is in total recoil. The hydraulic system returns it to the firing position afterwards.

GDS-79a.JPGSmoke 'em if you got 'em82 viewsSmoke break: BC Capt Higgins, XO Lt Daly, and FDO Lt Kermit DeVaughn.

GDS-125.JPGChow Time82 viewsNot too often, but mermite cans with hot food flown into jungle LZs instead of the all-too-familiar C-rations.

GDS-136.JPGLZ 510B82 views"Call me back later, honey. We've got a lot going on".

GDS-143.JPG"Damn, this is a real bed!"82 viewsFOs don't get the luxury of beds very often.
Lt Springer kicking back at the 3rd Brigade base, December, 1966.

GDS-144.JPG"Shine my boots?? Are you kidding?"82 viewsLtCol Holbrook wanted his officers to "look sharp" for the change of battery commanders in the next photo. Probably the last time you'll see shined boots on my feet in Nam.

GDS-150.JPGCasual Fridays82 viewsLt Springer at LZ Tip, commanding the splintered "Delta Battery". Dress is casual.

GDS-160.JPGQui Nhon82 viewsTwo boys atop the roof of a hotel in Qui Nhon.

GDS-177.JPGLZ Montezuma82 viewsAn M48 Battle Tank of the perimeter of LZ Montezuma.

GDS-200.JPGArty strike82 viewsServing as FO for "C" Company, 1/14th, this is a view of an artillery strike,

GDS-206.JPGLZ Waikiki82 viewsSeven Hueys approaching LZ Waikiki. Air limousines are arriving to take B/1/14 into a CA (combat assault). The following sequence show the stages of the CA. I got the job of "prepping" the LZ. Usually done by an Air Observer.

GDS-207.JPGHill 5482 viewsHill 54 close up.
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