
barb_20.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening Dinner83 views"What??? I won the lottery?" Cowboy Danny Fort seems very excited about a cell phone call. He is seated next to Joanne and Bob Wilson.
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

barb_19.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening Dinner83 viewsThe waitress is taking orders now.
From Left: Carolyn Skidmore; Marie & Dave Scott
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

barb_18.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening Dinner83 viewsJohn Waldman here; he is wondering if he went to the wrong restaurant. Is anyone else gonna show up?
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

BB-22.JPGThe real thing83 viewsThese are the working parts of a 105mm; near and dear to the hearts of every cannoneer.

BB-32.JPGDecorations83 viewsI'm standing next to the new gun with some decorations added.

BB-31.JPGReally high83 viewsIt's no wonder that this LZ was given the name "Mile High".

BB-55.JPG8" Self Propelled83 viewsChecking out the big 8"; it is the most accurate howitzer in the FA inventory. We couldn't test it out, though.

WF-18.JPG83 views

Buddha3.jpg82 views

DK-W8.jpg82 views

105_Psn.JPGBattery Position82 viewsBattery on location

GDS-51.JPGRSOP-ing82 viewsLoad arrives at LZ 10B. Now the fun begins to set everything up once again. Sp4 John M. Waldman takes a rest on a downed tree at right.
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