
GDS-150.JPGCasual Fridays82 viewsLt Springer at LZ Tip, commanding the splintered "Delta Battery". Dress is casual.

GDS-160.JPGQui Nhon82 viewsTwo boys atop the roof of a hotel in Qui Nhon.

GDS-177.JPGLZ Montezuma82 viewsAn M48 Battle Tank of the perimeter of LZ Montezuma.

GDS-200.JPGArty strike82 viewsServing as FO for "C" Company, 1/14th, this is a view of an artillery strike,

GDS-206.JPGLZ Waikiki82 viewsSeven Hueys approaching LZ Waikiki. Air limousines are arriving to take B/1/14 into a CA (combat assault). The following sequence show the stages of the CA. I got the job of "prepping" the LZ. Usually done by an Air Observer.

GDS-207.JPGHill 5482 viewsHill 54 close up.

AirAssault.jpg82 views

DK-Pers6.jpgMen of B-1-3582 views

dumpfire.jpg82 views

FiringPsn.JPG82 views

mapper.jpg82 views

VCseries004.JPG82 views
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