
RW-31c.JPGBronco Beach85 viewsSo4 Robert Wilson at your service. Another hard day working at the LZ Bronco Beach location.

Dixie_Cup_Show_2.JPGPleiku series85 viewsThe Dixie Cups perform onstage.

Photog.JPGNew photo service85 viewsA new addition to the activities of this year's reunion in the Hospitality Suite was an "on-hand" photographer who shot many, many photos of everyone in attendance. His handiwork was promptly developed and posted on the board shown.

Bert_s_Yacht.JPGView from the Condo85 viewsThere in the distance, you can see Bert's yacht, aka, "USS Landau".

JFO-44.JPGDigging in85 viewsPerimeter defense was always crucial. The enemy was always looking for an opportunity, especially at night.

Turner_-_Kammerer.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9th85 viewsJoe Turner listens intently to Diane Kammerer, widow of Lt Tom Kammerer, who served with the 2/9th in the 66-67 timeframe. This is Diane's second reunion with us.

DTurner-15.jpgChaplain in the Field85 views

DTurner-16.jpgLoading Dock at Duc Pho?85 viewsThis may be the site of the phenomenal ammo dump explosion taking place in July, 1967.

Joe_5.jpgThe Wall in D.C.85 viewsBrothers, spouses and guests pay homage to our deceased brothers who died in Vietnam.
Photo Courtesy of Joe Henderson

JC-4.JPGLt Mike Strickland85 viewsLt Strickland was the "B" Battery Exec Officer (XO)

AS-8.JPGMore domesticated85 viewsThis is a more "city-fied" location in Nam

AS-12.JPGSupply Drop85 viewsThese are key supplies delivered by sling under a Chinook.
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