
J_Turner_9.JPGThursday Firepower Demonstration87 viewsArtillery Rocket System
Photo courtesy of Joe Turner

J_Turner_6.JPGThursday Firepower Demonstration87 viewsPreparing to fire.
Photo courtesy of Joe Turner

MK-8.JPGThursday Firepower Demonstration87 viewsThe 2/9th FA, the OCS Alumni, and invited guests enjoy the shade of a covered area to watch the firepower demo.
Photo courtesy of Mike Kurtgis.

MK-12.JPGOpen Forum87 viewsBCT Trainees listen intently to the Q&A session with our fellow redlegs.
Photo courtesy of Mike Kurtgis.

Joe_H-17~0.JPGThe ENCORE Reunion: Ft Sill, OK May, 201787 viewsJoe Henderson (dec), Bill Henson, Jim Connolly

C_Epps-6.JPGGuest Speaker for Closing Banquet87 viewsCol Tom Wascom, Chief of Staff at Ft Sill, gave the speech at our closing banquet at Mike's Sports Grill. Col Wascom was promoted to one-star and would be travelling shortly to Ft Riley, KS to become the Asst Division Commander of The Big Red One.

J_Cashin_5.jpgLunch Time87 viewsFormerly known as "Mess Halls", they are now called "Dining Facilities"
Photo courtesy of John Cashin

Ward_10.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration87 viewsWilliam Ward and Terry Stuber
Photo courtesy of William Ward

Barb_2.JPGMama Goose87 viewsMama Goose and her little ducklings walk along the top of the waterfall in Medicine Park. Wildlife was abundant in Medicine Park.
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

Barb_1.JPGLadies' Lunch87 viewsAn ideal location with ideal weather in Medicine Park was chosen for the Spouse/Guests luncheon.
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

barb_14.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening Dinner87 viewsRita Stuber looks over Wayne Rayfield's shoulder; Bill Osterhout (guest) and Jeff LaBreck
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

barb_12.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening Dinner87 viewsBob Patalano, Ambrose Smurra and Geary Burrows
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller
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