
barb_24.JPGOld Plantation - Thurs Evening Dinner84 viewsBob Wilson, Joe & Martha Henderson, Mike Kurtgis.
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

BB-20.JPGResupply84 viewsChinook dropping off ammo.

BB-39.JPGZipper-rooo84 viewsUp the powder bags go in flame and smoke. The fire puts out intense heat.

BB-51.JPG84 views

WF-15.JPGAnother battle upon the horrible Chu Pa mountain84 views

Ed-GermShep.jpgEd's Arsenal83 viewsWhen all else fails, send in the German Shepard.

Caribou.JPGArmy's Caribou83 viewsCaribou warming up its engines.

GDS-25.JPGPlei Me83 viewsDean celebrating his 23rd birthday with the Special Forces Team at Plei Me inside the living quarters.
28 September 1966

GDS-42.JPGLZ 10B83 viewsSetting up the firing battery. Note that the trails have not been dug in.

GDS-71.JPGTotal Recoil83 viewsIf you enlarge this photo and look closely, you can see the howitzer tube is in total recoil. The hydraulic system returns it to the firing position afterwards.

GDS-188.JPGDuc Pho83 viewsA village in Duc Pho.

GDS-208.JPGHill 5483 viewsHill 54 complete. Home of the 1/14th Golden Dragons.
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