The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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JD-10.JPG85 views
PFC_Denny_Mrowcyznski.JPGPFC Mrowczynski85 viewsDenny Mrowczynski standing at entrance to FDC/1st Sgt hooch at LZ St. George.
Note volleyball in the background and a mess tent. We only had it for a short time until one of the cooks burned to death while filling a stove. {See "TAPS" - PFC Odell Easley}
FDC-Hooch.JPGCot in FDC Bunker85 viewsSitting on a cot in the FDC bunker at LZ St. George. Wasn't my sack. I was the newbie who got the stretcher held up by ammo boxes. My bed was unfortunately used for its intended purpose in November and that was the last use of it or my poncho liner.
Hillbilly.JPGSent to me by others85 views"Hillbilly" and canine friend behind one of the old split-trail 105mm.
LZ_Tuffy_-_New_Home.JPGLZ Tuffy - 197085 viewsFinished. A real tropical resort; the sand is mud. Home-No-So-Sweet-Home at LZ Tuffy.
LZ_Tuffy_-_Carl___Denny.JPGLZ Tuffy - 197085 viewsCarl (?), a new guy from Georgia, and Denny Mrowczynski, working the sandbagging detail.
LZ_Tuffy_-_Million_Dollar_view.JPGLZ Tuffy - 197085 viewsMillion dollar views from Tuffy - this slide and next. Unless, of course, you looked 1800 mils and saw the ridgeline lurking over the firebase. It was a mother to try to hump trunks up the steep sides of those hills to use for overhead cover. The mountaintop was so small and steep that we could only fire the full battery (I think we were still down a tube at that time) on high angle. {continued next slide}
LZ_Lois_-_Inside_FB.JPGLZ Lois - Internal View of the FB 85 viewsI don't have many pictures of LZ Lois since I went on R&R to Hawaii a couple of weeks after leaving LZ St George and didn't have film until then. Spent very little time there since I went on a hip shoot to LZ Marie and then they called us back and moved the Brigade over the mountains to LZ Radcliffe and then on to LZ Tuffy.
LZ_Lois_-_FDC_area.JPGLZ Lois - FDC Area85 viewsL to R: Far left, can't make him out; next is Lt Harry Baumgartner (Lt Richard L. Baumgartner). For some reason, he was nicknamed "Black Bart" - probably because of the attempted moustache. Then Sp4 Jim Hurdle, Carl from Georgia, and in the background is PFC William ("Nan The Man"), aka "PigPen" Nankervis (deceased). He is probably dreaming about the World and returning to be the left bank cylinder man at Ford's East Lansing plant.
LZ_Lois_-_Christmas_1969.JPGLZ Lois - Christmas 196985 viewsVisiting DJ with the dames at his side.
Pups_Butch_and_Cruit.JPGOur Pups85 viewsOur pups "Butch" and "Cruit". The only thing I recall them barking at were Vietnamese and tigers outside the wire.
An_Khe_AO.JPGBan Me Thout85 viewsOn the ground in the AO.
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