The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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RW-46.JPGDestroying the caves84 viewsPhoto from atop one the hills where we started our survey using the coordinates of the peak.
RW-31c.JPGBronco Beach84 viewsSo4 Robert Wilson at your service. Another hard day working at the LZ Bronco Beach location.
Pleiku_Street_Scene.JPGPleiku series84 viewsLooking down the street in Pleiku. Notice the girl in the Ao Dai (dress). As she saw me starting to take the picture, she covered her face. I think this has something to do with the belief that the picture would take their soul. {Webmaster: Yes...this happened a lot}
IMG_6147.jpgFound my Freedom Bird!84 viewsI arranged the visit with the public affairs officer at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX. The plane is used for dog training at Lackland, and has the wings and tail removed. The Air Force could not have been more hospitable towards us. It was really cool to be back aboard again.

Incidentally, I read the entire book Fail Safe out loud to the guy next me
on the way home. I don't know why!
Bert_s_Condo.JPGView from the Condo84 viewsRedleg Bert Landau is a part-time Condo resident in San Diego. He generously offered his Condo party room, known as the Roeder Pavilion, for the joint C-1-35 and 2/9th party. The views are spectacularly scenic.
winner~0.jpgSenior Olympics Winner!84 viewsWell, after running through fire and mud, Don felt he was ready to win five medals in the Senior Olympics.

Surely, this former veteran FO is no couch potato!
GDB-1.JPGYep, I got "the call"84 views"Uncle Sam Wants Me". My personal invitation to report to Oklahoma City, OK for induction.
AS-8.JPGMore domesticated84 viewsThis is a more "city-fied" location in Nam
J_Turner_12.JPGThursday Firepower Demonstration84 viewsA close up view of the Artillery Rocket itself.

Photo courtesy of Joe Turner.
MK-6.JPGBCT Graduation84 viewsPhoto courtesy of Mike Kurtgis
MK-10.JPGOpen Forum84 viewsRedleg Geary Burrows enters the auditorium for our great and very special Q&A Session with Week 2 BCT trainees.

Photo courtesy of Mike Kurtgis
MK-9.JPGThursday Firepower Demonstration84 viewsCarlton Epps, Mike Kurtgis, Moon Mullins and John Cashin attend the FP demonstration.

Photo courtesy of Mike Kurtgis
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