
Well-Done.jpgBronze Star Award84 viewsLt Ed Thomas gets a congratulatory handshake from LtCol Bruce Holbrook, Battalion Commander

GDS-13.JPGCharlie Battery84 viewsNote the use of 360-degree cannon emplacements. Ready to fire in any direction.

GDS-42.JPGLZ 10B84 viewsSetting up the firing battery. Note that the trails have not been dug in.

GDS-51.JPGRSOP-ing84 viewsLoad arrives at LZ 10B. Now the fun begins to set everything up once again. Sp4 John M. Waldman takes a rest on a downed tree at right.

GDS-128.JPGTossing away84 viewsEvery LZ had a trash pit. The enemy would occasionally bury unexploded AF ordnance in there. Clever little bastards.

GDS-143.JPG"Damn, this is a real bed!"84 viewsFOs don't get the luxury of beds very often.
Lt Springer kicking back at the 3rd Brigade base, December, 1966.

GDS-144.JPG"Shine my boots?? Are you kidding?"84 viewsLtCol Holbrook wanted his officers to "look sharp" for the change of battery commanders in the next photo. Probably the last time you'll see shined boots on my feet in Nam.

GDS-160.JPGQui Nhon84 viewsTwo boys atop the roof of a hotel in Qui Nhon.

GDS-164.JPGQui Nhon84 viewsHouseboy sits with Lt Springer atop a hotel in Qui Nhon.

GDS-177.JPGLZ Montezuma84 viewsAn M48 Battle Tank of the perimeter of LZ Montezuma.

GDS-180.JPGAn Lao84 viewsThe valley and river of An Lao. Beautiful country disguises the bitter warfare.

GDS-185.JPGDuc Pho Orphanage84 viewsChildren of the orphanage. They are the ones you remember the most.
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