
smokyFO.JPG85 views

Illini.jpgBravo Battery located at LZ Illini85 viewsNote the M2 Aiming Circle and the bore calibration board.

ShelterSign.jpg85 viewsThis is amazing: a carefully and painstakingly-lettered sign found near a cave entrance requesting that the shelter not be attacked. Well...you can always ask, can't you?

GDS-Menu4.jpgChristmas, 1966 Menu85 viewsBack Cover: A Christmas Prayer

DK-PurpleHeart.jpg85 viewsCapt Doug Johnson and Lt Don Keith receive Purple Heart medals.

JW-27.JPG"A" Battery located at LZ OD85 viewsGeneral view of the battery layout.

Wald-23.JPGVC Prisoners85 viewsLZ Tip, Feb 67.

Wald-30.JPGWaiting on guns85 viewsRedlegs occupy LZ Tip, Jan 67, while waiting for the guns to arrive.

Wald-49.JPGVung Tau: In-country R&R Center85 views"Stop" sign with a triangle. Foreign countries use different symbols.

Wald-59.JPGLZ Uplift85 viewsSp4 Ernest L. Johnson working around gun pit. Phu Cat area, late March 1967.

JW-31.JPG85 views

J_Orr-18.JPGFriday Night Special at LaMargarita85 viewsPre-Dinner chat at the La Margarita.
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