
BB-9.JPGLZ Hardcore87 views

BB-21.JPGResupply chopper leaving87 viewsThis pilot might want to re-think his flight plan next time.

BB-27.JPG87 views

BB-29.JPGMile High and Incoming87 viewsThis is the view; see how LZ Mile High and LZ Incoming are both above the clouds.

BB-48.JPGUnknown87 viewsThe firebase of this photo is UNK.

BB-52.JPGCleaning up87 viewsElmer Lindsay (KIA) in front with Phil Orville in back; cleaning gun after convoy up from north Bong Son (LZ English).

BB-65.JPGParty Time87 viewsHolding a bottle of booze after a whiskey run.

DK-W2.jpg86 views

105Psn.JPGBattery Position86 views

105_Psn.JPGBattery Position86 viewsBattery on location

Atk-2.JPGAttack in progress86 viewsArmed CH-47 prove value in combat

GDS-16.JPGPlei Me86 viewsCIDG compound at Plei Me.
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