
SK-49.JPG"Mission Impossible"84 viewsWe had a small TV and we watched "Mission Impossible".

PG-21.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts84 viewsHost Jerry Orr presents a "challenge coin" to Ernie Kingcade.

PG-19.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts84 viewsHost Jerry Orr presents "challenge coins" to those attending this historic reunion.

JD-9.JPG84 views

FDC-Hooch.JPGCot in FDC Bunker84 viewsSitting on a cot in the FDC bunker at LZ St. George. Wasn't my sack. I was the newbie who got the stretcher held up by ammo boxes. My bed was unfortunately used for its intended purpose in November and that was the last use of it or my poncho liner.

Screen.JPG"Please don't feed..."84 viewsI'm standing in front of the B-40 screen around the FDC conex (all the commo antennas made it a tempting target). The sign on the fence reads: "Please do not feed the animals).

LZ_Tuffy_-_Jarisch_and_Medley.JPGLZ Tuffy - 197084 viewsClean up time. (L to R: Eugene "George" Jarisch and Mike Medley). When those of us in the advance party (that didn't find the punji stakes) out of the 4 slicks that made it, we were stranded in the clouds without commo, in the mud inundated with 50 gallon drums of persistent CS. Each morning, a dink from the group on the overlooking ridgeline would come up the draw and let off a clip trying to get us to fire back to locate our 60s. It was only fitting that the three-holer (top left in photo) was placed in that shitty location. I was hesitant to use it since it was on the draw and left one's backside facing the dinks on the opposing ridgeline.

LZ__Marie.JPGLZ Marie84 viewsOn the way to LZ Marie, we got the "good news" that we had been dropped off a few klicks short the intended spot; we had to double-time on down by foot since the shithooks were laid on for the lift. LZ Marie started off bad since they landed the Advance Party a few klicks away from where we were supposed to be and we had to hoof it to the right location. This LZ was just outside of a rubber plantation. We could see the enemy scampering around their bunkers among the rubber trees. We weren't supposed to shoot into a French plantation without higher (economic impact) authority. However, we did shoot the guns like mortars - high angle charge 1. About 15 minutes later the French plantation manager pulled up in his jeep raising holy hell in French. I had flunked college French and one of the other guys had taken it in high school so we tried to calm him down, which only made him madder since we were butchering his native tongue. The rear sent out a settlement team to pay him off in short order, less than an hour. I sure wish the rear could have produced a pair of 9 1/2 boots - two weeks - as fast as they sent that settlement team.

AK-4.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway84 viewsLooks like a rotor is missing....

AK-7.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway84 viewsCobra ready for a mission.

StG-20.JPGMemories of LZ St George84 viewsLooking down the long barrel of the 106mm recoilless rifle.

RW-36.JPGWaiting for a Huey84 viewsThe Survey Crew is waiting on a ride, reading the Stars and Stripes while Sgt Barrington studies the map of our soon-to-be survey area. More than likely, it was the caves in the Hon Noc mountains.
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