The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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LZ_Abbey4.JPGLZ Abbey - Getting Clean87 views(continued) There is a funny story about LZ Abbey and the only South Vietnamese army soldier (Montagnards weren't South Vietnamese, they were good people) I saw in the field during my entire tour.

IMGA1.jpgYep...I made it home87 viewsArrived at Travis AFB, ending my luxurious tour of Vietnam. When you enlarge this photo, you will see the tail number of the C-141 that flew me home.
AK-3.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway87 viewsAttack Cobra
AK-11.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway87 viewsCobra closeups.
StG-3.JPGMemories of LZ St George87 viewsIncoming Chinook.
IMG_3882.jpgFound my Freedom Bird!87 viewsThankfully, I didn't have to use the can. It beats a 55-gallon drum, though. Maybe the dogs used this one.
Dauphin-Farmer.JPGCONNECTED!!87 viewsParticipating in the Saturday morning business meeting was: (left) 1SG Jack Farmer, attending his first reunion and Dennis Dauphin, creator and Webmaster of "The Mighty Ninth" website. Jack saw my redleg hat and shirt and asked, "Did you know our FO, Lt Carlton Epps?"

Answer: You BET I do! Lt Epps was one of the more recently located redlegs of the 2/9th.
Millionth_round.JPGThe 500,000th 105mm round fired in combat87 viewsB/2/9 holds the distinction of firing the "1/2 Millionth" round in Vietnam. Looks like they chose a Willy Peter round. Good choice. Photo by Terry Stuber; contributed by J. William Ward. That "broken wrench" was the latest technology in setting a time fuze. The benchmark round was fired from LZ Uptight.
Dinner_Table.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9th87 viewsTable talk at the joint dinner.
Wash_DC.JPGWashington, DC87 viewsThis is Washington, DC, in its usual state. Quite a mess, isn't it? It's supposed to be the entrance to the reunion hotel.
Dauphin_-Henderson.JPGClose Support of the Redlegs87 viewsDennis Dauphin, FO for A/2/35 and Joe Henderson, member of the Tactical Operations Center for the 2/35th Battalion get together at the joint dinner. Joe is the Executive Vice-President of the 35th Regiment Association.
GDB-3.JPGEven got promoted!87 viewsBCT at Ft Bliss; AIT at Ft Meade; a ticket to Vietnam...and then a promotion. Does life get any better than that?
4987 files on 416 page(s) 309