The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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DFort-Denver5.JPGCowboy Danny Fort's Photos87 viewsJim Connolly, Danny & Laura Fort, Rita & Terry Stuber. In the background is the current commander of the active duty 2/35th Infantry Regiment.
DFort-Denver4.JPGCowboy Danny Fort's Photos87 viewsJim Connolly, Laura and Danny Fort
JM-16.JPGLt Mike Kurtgis87 viewsLt Mike Kurtgis, Air FO assigned to the 2/9th and boarding at LZ Oasis. Mike is happily sitting in his new "Loach" as his other "birds", older models, kept coming to earth in unexpected and unplanned fashion.
JM-13a.jpg3rd Bde Liaison87 viewsTom Rager, along with Kackley in photo #13, served as Brigade Liaisons in the TOC.
PG-18.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts87 viewsHost Jerry Orr presents a "challenge coin" to Dave Scott.
LG-1a.JPGThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts87 viewsJerry and Barbara present special gifts for the ladies.
Hurdle___Medley.JPGHurdle & Medley87 viewsSp4 James A. "Jim" Hurdle and PFC Mike Medley. Taken right after I got to "A" Battery late May '69 at LZ St. George.
BC-_Hillbilly.JPGSent to me by others87 viewsBack of photo says "BC & Hillbilly". Pictures were sent to me over the years by Tex Shelton and Jackie Catron; most were taken before I arrived at the battery.
FDO_Benton_and_XO_McKuen.JPGFDO and the XO87 views"A" Battery officers Lt Jerry R. Benton (FDO) and Lt McHugh (XO) touching the roof of the twin CONEX containers of the portable FDC. Note the trusty ol' pencil sharpener under Benton's right arm and a flashlight magnetized to the joint in the roof. Benton was later promoted to Captain.
LZ_Tuffy_-_Civilized.JPGLZ Tuffy - 197087 views{continued from previous slide} From memory, both the 101st and 1st CAV had previously inhabited the LZ and both had the same problem we did exiting based on the evidence of Arc Light strikes and downed chopper husks in the jungle below the LZ. Like an idiot I decided I needed a break and chose to go out on the last chopper for a change instead of the usual Advance Party. So I got to party with the gun the dinks couldn't see from the ridgeline and didn't know was there when they opened up on the Chinook carrying Pineapple's crew and gun.
LZ_Lois_-_DJ_and_Starlets.JPGLZ Lois - Christmas, 196987 views"Cruit", center of photo, always wore his airborne wings. Came to the battery from the infantry as a gun bunny, wanted to be FDC and we were getting really short so he came onboard. I captioned this on the slide as "Cruit finds a girl his own size". No matter how much we picked on him, Cruit was always smiling and happy-go-lucky.

Note the "hippie" headband and long, straight hair on the chick. Boy, we didn't know what was waiting down the road for us, eh?
LZ_Abbey5.JPGLZ Abbey - Getting totally clean87 views(closing) Since I had stayed behind on LZ Tuffy I went on the Advance Party to the next LZ, named LZ Suzie but not-so-fondly known by us as LZ "Suzie Pig". Another stupid blunder.
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